tsunaminw - so your saying the definition of a fighter is limited to someone who competes in sport tournaments? lol.
jump on the bandwagon kid, going for a ride is easier than thinking for yourself.
Tell us about all the 'non-sanctioned' fights he had, that can be verified.
Not some JKD nerd, like yourself, saying, "Yeah, one time back in the day, I saw Bruce beat up 15 guys at one time".
I mean a legit source. You just make shit up to suit your agenda.
Hey fatty. Get off your lazy ass and do your own research. There are plenty of documentaries and books out there chronicling Bruce Lee's fights off camers from witnesses. Of course a retard like you weened on youtube and Yo Gabba Gabba doesn't realize the man was a legend before the internet. By WORD OF MOUTH from people who saw him in the flesh! That is how legends are made.
he did not create his own system, he clearly stated that jkd was not a style, but a training philosophy. the real question would be, why after all his students were told clearly never to use the name, do extremely skilled guys like Inosanto still use the name, its misleading.
but the real issue is, he was a martial artist first, an actor second. and it is still a question as to if a fighter is only one who has competed in sport fighting competition?
Say whatever you want but there is one thing you can't deny he had, and that's speed. He had lighting fast strikes and the way he bounced around looked like he was floating. If only they had high-tech equipment back then that could capture his speed, then we could compare it to someone like manny paquiao.
Lmao at you Bruce lee dweebs! WAoAAAAAoAAAAoAAAAoAA!!!! Hey....know what else is legit? The force!!! Yoda is my hero. he could do things Bruce lee could only dream of!!!
Oh no he didn't go there!!!
Oh, yes he did. Now take your little man fetishes and dryhump your pillow cause that's the only way you geeks will be satisfied
I did read an interview that from Joe Lewis that said Bruce Lee was "the fastest man that ever step infront of me" which IMHO says a lot about Bruce Lee
12toSix - Say whatever you want but there is one thing you can't deny he had, and that's speed. He had lighting fast strikes and the way he bounced around looked like he was floating. If only they had high-tech equipment back then that could capture his speed, then we could compare it to someone like manny paquiao. <img src="/images/phone/post_tag.png" alt="Phone Post" border="0" style="vertical-align:middle;"/>
Speed is the amount of time it takes for a strike to hit a target.
Bruce never actually hit shit, nothing, nada. Therefore, he was not actually fast, just "fast looking" (considering your judgment of his 'speed' comes from movies, you can probably see your own error here) on TV/video.
Try again.
"oh oh, did you see jet Li in that movie, damn he looked FAST"
tell it to guys like demile, a heavyweight boxer and glover a judo competitor, both high level guys with size that said brude hit them harder and faster than they had ever been hit before. and that is what earned their respect and got them training with him.
in the early days of seattle before he opened a gym, lee only trained with guys that offered something in return. they were not worshipping him, they thought he was a punk and were showed different.
but you can assume guys like that were lying if you want to show the og how much you know, lol.
this place is always good for laughs, ive been here since probably 97-98? and as tough and original as you bitches think you are, this thread and your attitudes have been done at minimum, 20 times a year right here on the OG.
It would be hilarious to write a book. "bruce lee aint shit". and show these conversations, who said what, how old they were and what experience they had while talking trash, and include a pic.
the experience and pic part would be the topper, because most of you would never be taken seriously if anyone got a look at you.and they surely would listen if they saw how little experience you had. this is a testing ground for boys to attempt debating with grown ups. the bruce lee aint shit idea is where you boys all begin. Its cute.
i was never a lee groupie, never had a poster or tshirt, and thought his movies were ok for the moves but shit otherwise.
i didnt worship him, or talk shit, i just went and trained with every possible guy still alive that had trained with him that i could find or afford to visit.
i found jesse glover when i discovered a reel of film for a projector that had "lee, glover" on the label and i asked the old lady having the same about it. it wasnt for sale, it was just in her garage. i was training with jim demile, and knew of glover but we had not met yet. she and i talked for a while, and she asked me to take and give the reel of film to jesse, which was a movie of them all training in a backyard somewhere here in seattle. i saw the film. jesse still has it.
The Sauce - I did read an interview that from Joe Lewis that said Bruce Lee was "the fastest man that ever step infront of me" which IMHO says a lot about Bruce Lee
That was the interview with former world Muay Thai champ Mike Miles
That was a good read. Some interesting stuff he says about the Gracies and the early UFC's also. He is spot on about Bruce thou. It seems like at least in his eyes that modern JKD is pretty much not what he thinks Bruce would have taught it. I wonder how old the interview is.
lol...Joe Lewis sounds like a jackass.
MM: The early 1990s was a time of upheaval in the Martial Arts. Along came the UFC with the Gracie family. They started challenging everyone of any consequence. What did you think of the UFC?
JL: I hated it because it put the Martial Arts back around 50 years.
MM: How?
JL: The early and most watched UFCs included a bunch of bums who were portrayed as Champions. In reality the athletes were a bunch of out of shape slobs who could not fight. I had never even heard of these guys before, but in order to sell the UFC as including the best fighters in the world, they used people who were complete unknowns.
The first few shows left a bad taste in people's mouths, but later on they cleaned up their act. It will never take off in the USA because it is banned in 33 states, so these promoters will take the show to Japan, Mexico, South Africa or wherever and hawk it through videotape because the demand for videotape worldwide is incredible.
MM: Did the Gracie's ever challenge you?
JL: No. I never had a problem with this from anyone. I would not accept a challenge anyway. Never have and never will. If I was to fight any of the Gracie's, I would fight like an animal. Believe me there would be no rules. I would bite the fight right out of them. Biting is one of my favorite street techniques anyway.
MM: What about Royce's fighting ability?
JL: He was slapped by one of his opponents, and left the ring seeing double and with high blood pressure. This is a sign of concussion, and after that event he was taken to the hospital to be treated for concussion. He is a big man and only took a slap to end up that way. What does that say about his ability to take a punch?