Bud World Championships Jan 14th 1


COMING    Jan. 14th and 15th to Concord, North Carolina.

Pre reg price is reduced to $50 to help the competitors and to say thanks for your support and making this grow into its 4th year.

There will be alot of cool things to do as well as a much better ran Tourament being our 4th year and have made and learned from our mistakes.

We will keep trying to improve it and make it better as each year grows. Last year 53 teams from all over the US, Brazil and Europe, including Remco Pardouel from Holland the UFC vetern, and many more. Lloyd Irvin's team was awsome, many showed up, to get the World title by Budweiser. Each year, We will make it better.

West Cost Competitors 4 or more comes you will recieve one FREE night in the Hotel!!

See you there.

Joe Hurst




Compared to your last tournament (October 1) how much different will this one be run. There were some issues with the last one.

By the way, your web site does not work. It might just be the link, but I tried to tie it in manually and it still failed.

Web site works fine for me.

Oct was a gift to us, we got the notice and took it. Alot of my normal Staff couldnt come in, As we get used to it, Next Oct will be like the Bud World Cups, they have been very smoothe and this year to start at 10 am, they wouldn't let us down to the area until 10 am so alot of confusion. This arena in Jan for the World's we have used for 4 years and all is well there. I am %100 sure, although Oct wasnt Bad, you will find the World Cup much better. Next year 's Ultimate Man's Weekend will be even better.

It will also be more competitors and more staff to run it.


If you would email me any suggestions to make it better and I will see it will be done.



Is the link working for you now???


Last year was $20 to watch for both days this year only $10....

We will make it better for all...

I had a great time at the bud nationals and I plan to compete in the bud worlds as well. blue, 145 masters. If there are any competitors at this weight and belt come on out and lets have some fun. It is hard to get masters fighters but if you know for sure someone will be in your division it may help you decide to travel. I guarantee I will be there so I hope some of you master level fighters will try to attend.









It says $50 for gi/no if mailed in prior to 12/31/05. So is it $50 for the gi and then another $50 for the no gi for a total of $100 for both divisions or $50 for both gi and no gi?

Sorry, I'm slow.

only $10 for additional divison $60 for both.