Buffer Whiplash GIF request

Thanks for the Thread & Your Posts!

Big Cheers to All on the Forum!!!


P.S. - I love the Squirrel gif... LOL

lol...Bruce that is awesome!

But I have to say my favorite Buffer moment happened after Griffin/Bonnar 1...you can't fake that excitement and how stoked you were for them both to get the contract. It really added a lot to the event, IMO.

I think he stole that move from watching Bob Barker and sometimes Tom Jones


 now that Mr. Buffer has posted, this thread has gone to another level of awesomeness

Love him or hate him, Bruce IS the fucking man!

^^ No doubt

Hahahaha love the Squirrel gif

And I believe Buffer himself has referred to it as the "Buffer 180."

ttt for Bruce!

"Buffer 180."

Trademark that shit before WWE gets a hold of that


smoogy -  I wish I could take credit for making it

That is some James Bond-level turn and point action

Reminds me of Bob Barker "you have a chance to win THIS" Rod Rodey: " A NEW CAR!!!!"

smoogy -  I wish I could take credit for making it

That is some James Bond-level turn and point action

Reminds me of Bob Barker "you have a chance to win THIS" Rod Rodey: " A NEW CAR!!!!"

Exactly what i said and was thinkin

 I thought he had stepped up his game for this show, but the new gif and the old one make it plain as day -- his snap-turn is like 3x faster than it used to be.

Now if only someone could get Goldberg to show the same dedication to improving HIS performance...

I watched the Bruce and squirrel GIFs side-by-side until they turned simultaneously. I recommend that everyone do the same. It's worth it!

I hope for the best and fastest snapping Bruce Buffer ever in Chicago, don't let us down, Bruce! Our excitement will flow through you.

He's great.

that kicks alotta ass.


Hahahaha I never noticed the ref pointing like that during Dan/Wanderlei.

Buffer is great, ttt for BB