Just gotta kinda wine n dine em for the first round be gentle and let him feel you out second round you come out with a take down transition to north/south keeping ur hips heavy and doing enough to not get stood up but not so much that ur going to hurt him,by the third minute of the round he'll be defenseless and you should be able to have your way with him,at this time you transition to mount,a high mount tho,sitting on his neck/chest area and pinning his arms under your knees, you begin to hammer him to the jaw/mouth area just enough for him to struggle and then you take that opportunity to slip on a mounted triangle...don't be surprised if he doesn't seem alarmed he has probably been in this position on more than one occasion,he may even wink at you as if to say somthing like "Watchu got big boy" ..before he knows it he's unconscious..you win.
Yeah, lot of pressure. You gotta rise above it. You gotta harness in the good energy, block out the bad. Harness. Energy. Block. Bad. Feel the flow, Chris. Feel it. It’s circular. It’s like a carousel. You pay the quarter, you get on the horse. It goes up and down....and around. Circular. Circle. With the music. The flow… all good things.
We had some fun with this for my last fight vs Luiz Cane and a lot of you gave some input. Im a little superstitious and I won last time so lets roll with it.
Me vs Nick Ring, your the coach, how do I fight him??? Im sure this will go well LOL
Dirty box him up against the cage for the first round and tire out his arms. When he comes out in the second with slower hand speed (something he has prone to doing) light him up and stay away from his inevitable take downs. KO in the third after he gasses.