Burnett VS Miletich 2

This fight should have been on payback since Mikey IMHO beat Pat in the first fight. It would be good to have ZUFFA put this match on.

I would pick Burnett by TKO no short grabing this time :)

It seems like Miletich is retired now.

I have not seen one of Pat's fights in the UFC which I found entertaining. He gets the job done. But he can put the crowd to sleep in the process. But that does not take away the fact that he is skilled. But he plays for the win, not the finish. He is a very good teacher and coach though.


Pat's fights with Brennan, and Patino are good sleep aids.

on the same note Burnett's fight with Townsend Saunders was so bad that it got editted off of the commercial production of that event.When you rent or buy that tape that fight is nowhere to be seen


"on the same note Burnett's fight with Townsend Saunders was so bad that it got editted off of the commercial production of that event.When you rent or buy that tape that fight is nowhere to be seen"

That's a shame... I really liked that fight. Mikey showed excellent sprawl & brawl.

That said, I think I prolly wouldn't like it that much, the second time.

Pat was also beaten by Townsend Saunders as well.

I pick Mickey