Business Dinner

My boss asked me to set up a business dinner with one of our customers and I am looking for something out of the usual. Typically it is at places like Roy's or Morton's. Where do you go?

TTT for FCTV808 to see

He does these kinds of dinners.

In for research. Phone Post 3.0

describe the demographic of the customer. Be specific.  Also what do you want to accomplish at the dinner.


that's important too.

A bank senior vp and our ceo to dicuss moving 7 figures to the bank with the hope it could open conversations with the bank for providing services. Both the svp and ceo are mainland transplants from sourhern states, portly and both are beer and whisky drinkers.

Take them to Nobu or Morimoto, then to Addiction nightclub to scope some hotties and then end the night at the MP. Everyone goes home happy. Phone Post 3.0

do they want ethnic, fusion, or standard american cuisine?

Ethnic or standered American. .fusion can be scary

Fnunderful, FCTV is talking about the wimminz, ethnic? Or some fusion hapa mutant?

And yes, fusion is scary. But I met some bat shit crazy purebreds that were certifiable.

Robobear - 

And yes, fusion is scary. But I met some bat shit crazy purebreds that were certifiable.

I live with one of these.

Hey me too. This is why I'm an expert on crazy

Blt steak at the trump Phone Post 3.0

L&L BBQ brah, extra scoop rice, no hold back.

Surprise them and bring your own shiny plastic Chinese restaurant chopsticks so you guys don't have to use the disposable wooden ones.

Dashrite, I akamai li'dat. I got one branes for business.

Bankers love picnics too. Maybe take the L&L to go, and take it to a picnic bench at Aala park.


meatrokket - Take them to Nobu or Morimoto, then to Addiction nightclub to scope some hotties and then end the night at the MP. Everyone goes home happy. Phone Post 3.0

This will likely get me a raise at first but then fired as the night progresses and my bosses suddenly realize I am not quite right!

fnunderful - 
meatrokket - Take them to Nobu or Morimoto, then to Addiction nightclub to scope some hotties and then end the night at the MP. Everyone goes home happy. Phone Post 3.0

This will likely get me a raise at first but then fired as the night progresses and my bosses suddenly realize I am not quite right!

Skip Addiction, substitute with Femme Nu.  Raise guaranteed.

second MP

Is E Nights still open? I heard they have a wonderful seared ahi with fresh crab in garlic butter. Furthermore, if the girl with the bob Marley stomach tattoo is there still, then conversation will definitely be abundant and lively.

Ok ok... In all seriousness... You should take them to E Nights. Wait. Oh yes... e nights. Phone Post 3.0