CABMMA Announces 7 Anti-Doping Violations

Adding to MMA’s ever growing doping list, Brazil’s MMA Athletic Commission(CABMMA) announced 7 positive anti-doping violationsspanning from March – May 2016.

The following chart was released detailing the violations in Portuguese (h/t Joe Seatter)


Which, crudely translated into English via Google, reads as follows

Original article here - CABMMA Announces 7 Anti-Doping Violations

wow,Souza and Thiago are dirty,I knew it.

Is there any explanation or reason that CABMMA would release three months worth of test results 5 months later? Phone Post 3.0

Defo tainted sups Phone Post 3.0

GrilliamG - Is there any explanation or reason that CABMMA would release three months worth of test results 5 months later? Phone Post 3.0
These are the guys that couldn't come up with the money. Phone Post 3.0

what?? 7 in a row, the saved them from the last year or so?