Caffeine headaches

Missed my usual caffeine dose this morning by 3 hours and now I have a raging headache and my left eyeball is pulsating in my skull.

Is that normal? Phone Post

jerk off to get some endorphins flowing!

Damn I wish I still had a blue name Phone Post

I can quit caffeine anytime I want! Phone Post

Why did I start drinking these Monster Energy(R) drinks?

I learned it from watching you ok?!?!?

*cries Phone Post

 Have a cup o' Joe!......or a .38 to the head!?!?!?!

I rubbed one out, drank a Monster Energy(R) then went back to sleep. ALL BETTER!!!

Caffeine headache......could be worse!?!?!

From OG thread


My sphincter just clenched Phone Post

Yup normal. If you stop caffeine intake for a couple more days the headaches should stop. Headaches are signs of withdraws. Phone Post

moar monster!

Married? Uh... No thank you. that's a whole 'nother headache my friend.

JIMMYNAKS - Married? Uh... No thank you. that's a whole 'nother headache my friend.

 Marriage?? Lame