Cain Vs JDS Fight Prediction

 This is my prediction for the fight tomorrow night. Going to keep it simple and round by round.

Round 1: Junior comes out and catches Cain with an uppercut which drops him. Cain gets right back up but Junior connects again, dropping Cain again. This time Junior goes in for the kill and swarms him with ground and pound but is unable to finish. Cain survives the round but it's an obvious 10-8 round for Junior.

Round 2: Junior is gassed and Cain seems to have recovered. Cain puts together combinations after combinations and catches Junior a few times but he shakes it off. Round ends and it’s a 10-9 round for Cain.

Round 3: Junior is a bit fresher and both fighters trade punches throughout the round. Close round, it’s a tossup.

Round 4: Same with round three but this time Cain gets a big take down or a big slam. Cain 10-9.

Round 5: Another close round with take downs from both fighters. Towards the end of the fight both guys are going for the kill and landing punches after punches. The crowds are going nuts as the fight comes to an end. Close exciting round and it’s another tossup.

Both fighters return to their corner with their hands raised and no doubts that they have won.

Now we go the judges scorecards.

Judge #1: 48-46 Junior

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Judge #2: 48-46 Cain

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Judge #3: 47-47 Draw

The fight ends in a draw. Both fighters are shocked, the crowd is confused but still cheering and Dana is shaking his head with a big smile on his face.

Cain keeps the belt and it sets up UFC on Fox 2 with one of the biggest rematch in UFC history.

Just my prediction. Thanks for reading :).


FRAT Phone Post

Shooter Mcgavin - Lol if this happens Phone Post

. Phone Post

Haha yeah that's not happening Phone Post

so basically a hw version of Edgar/Maynard 2? Phone Post

RicePicker -  so basically a hw version of Edgar/Maynard 2? Phone Post

 ; )

Cain by dominatuon Phone Post

I am expecting to see Cain completely outclass Dos Santos. I expect Junior to be on his stomach eating bombs to the side of the head while echoes of the opening ring bell are still bouncing around the venue.

BUT...It won't surprise me if Junior lands something and changes everything.

I can't wait to find out how it goes down.

All the Cain hype is goin down the pan when jds kos him Cain won't be able to shoot on junior his footwork is to good Phone Post

Looks like I was right !! Phone Post