calling out oddessa

hey man im on the ug askin questions and i got you coming all incorrect on me callin me a DUM FUK cuz i wanna know if one of my friends is postin.

you dont know me and you have no clue how i roll. my ex girlfriends sis is friends with baroni. all i gotta do is say the word and ur straight dropped as a sponsor. keep my name out ur mouf when you see me.

i been a member of ur site for a year and been playin for eva. my account number is bp31142

see me on these streets next time you wanna get BUK!

"ex girlfriends sis is friends with baroni"

hmm that really tells alot about how your connected.

heh. what's BUK stand for?

you dont know me and you have no clue how i roll. my ex girlfriends sis is friends with baroni. all i gotta do is say the word and ur straight dropped as a sponsor. keep my name out ur mouf when you see me

And you diont know me you fukin tool.

I tell you what tough guy. You gimme the word and I will fly you down here tommrow for a  1st class ass beating.  As for Phil, he may give you a smack himself if I tell him your droppin his name.  You think I need to sponsor fighters,  you douchebag? Do you think I like giving away thousands of dollars each month for no positive return? Go fuck yourself, your ex whore girlfriend, her sis,  and withdraw your money from BetOddessa. Go bet with your buddy. I need biz like yours like I need aids. You really are a stupid fuk.  LOL @ your Dana white complex, you doucehbag.

I'm calling you out now,  you putz.

by the looks of baroni's car, I doubt he can afford to drop a sponsor... even though he's a rock star...

lol @ this tool even suggesting it. He would be saving me money.

I will make a deal. If this kid can get his whore ex GF's sis to get Baroni to drop me as a sponsor , I will send this kid Phils money for next month.  She better have big lips and kneepads, cause I dont the NYBA even has this douch on his radar.

and you think I am a fighter groupie Ryan? Do you think I need to give money away you idiot? Its called advertising. Sponsors drop clients, not the other way around. I guess I'm dealing with a business/marketing  genius. I gotta wonder why I even post in these toilets. Its a wonder Zuffa dropped them all. 


ya, I dont think Baroni would go out of his way to reject free money. call me crazy.

hell, I'll get "everyone bet at!!!" tattoed on my unit if the price is right.

HAHAHAHAH... since he'd probably have to abbreviate heavily to tattoo a banner on my unit, I'd give Joey a discount...

hell, I'll get "everyone bet at!!!" tattoed on my unit if the price is right.

Joe-  Who'd ever see it?  Your hands already a customer.................LOL   :)

yep, my hand would see it all the time. there's one guaranteed customer right there. let's start the bidding!