Can Eddie Alvarez Put A Beating On

... Matt Hughes or even Sherk (if he dropped down)? He seems to have impeccable takedown defense, accurate striking, and comes hard and fast (no homo). Could this be the formula to defeat Hughes' or Sherk's style? I say 'yes' - he's tailor-made for these opponents, imo.

He needs to fight at 155 and he's not ready for Sherk.

Yeah, but Thompson and Sherk have two different body types AND style. Alvarez' style is tailor-made to frustrate Sherk and eventually put him away, while Thompson's style is tailor-made to frustrate ALVAREZ and eventually put him away, imo. It sounds crazy, but it's true.

^ Umm, YEAH. lol None of those guys really (with the exception of Penn and GSP) will try to annihilate Hughes with a disrespectful intent like Alvarez will.

"BJ's face says it all when he is stuck in the crucifix."

It said, "Shit, I hurt my rib(s) kickin' Matt's ass."?


"Are you fucking kidding me, did you see the ground butchery displayed by Sherk on Franca/Florian two high level BJJ BlackBelts?"

Yes, I did. But please note that these two did not mind engaging Sherk on the ground (big mistake in both cases).

Alvarez doesn't need to be fighting at welterweight at all, much less fighting guys like Hughes.

"Alvarez isn't nearly advanced enough on the ground to survive with
Sherk, he would be outgrappled in every aspect. He can't outwrestle
Sherk, he won't stop the shot and he will get his guard passed. "

I don;t think we have seen much of his ground game. He hasn't let the
fights get to that point. I would guess you are right, however, when
comparing him to elite level grapplers.

His power at 155 would be something else and if his sprawl is as good as
it seems, I think he could make a dent in the division.

"Yes, I did. But please note that these two did not mind engaging Sherk on the ground (big mistake in both cases)."

I really dont think either of them wanted to "engange" sherk on the ground. Florian was running for dear life from the td's and Franca did not want to go to the ground despite what he said in the prefight "If sherk takes me down He'll be doing me af favor." LOL

Alvarez by Round One TKO damn it!