How does the HG feel about can openers? Legit Bjj, or complete hack move?
great move not legit in terms of finese.
Hacky mc hackerton, IMO
Watch you mouth, call me hack
^and this was a trap post btw by the one who smells like dog. There is only room for one TJ on this island and I'll take your head home with me after practice if I need too!
Why don't we let FCTV set the odds as to wether you can armbar me once I have a can opener on you.
With my lack of cardio, skill, flexibility and strength.....
I'll take any move that works. If that be the can opener, so be it.
Can Opener plus Tommy Dakota gorilla grip = RIP your neck
Tjay vs Tjmitch
the battle of the TJs!
poppoppop oh, sorry bout that elbow. Maybe dont reach behind my head you hack!
Does tjay also use the forearm across the throat gaurd break?
don't let him grab your head. alls i'm sayn
Why would I let someone grab my head?
you have been warned.
I was also warned to stay away from red headed girls.
That one was kind of true as well
FCTV808 -
don't let him grab your head. alls i'm sayn
and then when he does grab your head FCTV says "I told you not to let him grab your head..." and then your neck is sore for a month and FCTV gets to tell you "i told you so" for a month.
The go to for the untalented. Something to even the playing field.
^ exactly the attitude that drives me away from sport BJJ. If I can brutally smash your double inverted berimbolo, Spider-Man, hipster guard with a little hard earned strength and a solid base and then you complain I didn't use technique than fuck your jiu-jitsu.
Now conversely when I smash into your cheekbone with my forearm and you can smile, then sweep me and pop by elbow joint or choke me unconscious I'm not going to complain about anything. We are hopefully preparing to defend ourselves or our family god forbid we have to.
Man up JJ fhags.
I got lifted and swept the other day, in my panic and muscle memory, I accidentally Captain James Tiberius Kirk Judo chopped the guy's neck. He did not complain as he repositioned and proceeded to choke me.
Why can't we all just get along?