Can Tito still cut it in the UFC?

Does anybody think he'll beat Machida, or even accept the fight with him? I hope so. He needs to get back into fighting more than once a year if he wants to get anywhere near the belt again. Personally, I think he could give Machida heaps of trouble and hold him down for all 3 rounds and win the decision, but for some reason I don't think he's going to accept the fight at all.

Tito is going to have to spend all his time defending himself against rapeallegations in a court of law.

You are talking about Tito Belfran, right?

In one word, maybe.


Of course he can.

I'm definitely not a Tito fan, but he has only lost to Randy and Chuck, he's far from finished.

Member Since: 12/24/2007
24 Total Posts

top tier fighter who has taken alot of time off, he should be healed, he could definatly make another good run

sound like his injuries are his down fall. He looked slow and aged when her fought Rashid

Definitely maybe

If Tito comes in healthy and in good shape I believe he is capable of beating any one. I really wish he would open up his submission game, though. Tito will be in the UFC until he retires, and I don't see that happening any time soon.

ufc level B fighter now


As said at the top, Tito always has been and always will be (for as long as he continues to fight) a top tier fighter.

His career is busy with reality shows lol. Which I love btw. The more UFC Fighters doing reality shows, the better imo. Apprentice rocks with Lennox and Ortiz on there, and Apprentice usually sucks.
I don't think he'll beat Machida but I hope he takes the fight.

Healthy Tito is still a force against anyone except a top tier striker.

I saw and talked to him at the Playboy Club on Sunday. I asked him about May 5th, and he said he still wasn't sure who he was fighting, but he wasn't worried because he's got so much else going on right now. It would be good to see him fight again, I'm just not sure he wants to anymore.

"I saw and talked to him at the Playboy Club on Sunday. I asked him about May 5th, and he said he still wasn't sure who he was fighting, but he wasn't worried because he's got so much else going on right now. It would be good to see him fight again, I'm just not sure he wants to anymore. "

That sums everything up right there. Can Tito cut it, physically yes, mentally and emotionally, does he even want to?

Don't be shocked if Tito nevers fight again.

mma seems to be the furthest thing from Tito's mind now.  He's rollin' like rocky 3 (start not end).

I read from Dave Meltzer that Tito didn't want to fight Machida because he wasn't a big enough name.