Go watch some Braziians eye stabs and slice body parts in Favelas.
Those Irish gangstas would be sucking their thumbs crying for mommy.
Go watch some Braziians eye stabs and slice body parts in Favelas.
Those Irish gangstas would be sucking their thumbs crying for mommy.
colubrid1 - Go watch some Braziians eye stabs and slice body parts in Favelas.You do know they don’t just even do that in the favelas, right? If you aren’t found in the first 24 hours in Brazil you’re away free.Those Irish gangstas would be sucking their thumbs crying for mommy.
It’s a war over there, almost wouldn’t even be worth going there.
ProteinOverdrive -Lol the IRA still run loads of shit in America. They operatenlike a military.They are nothing.
I people in Europe are so pussed out they are afraid of everything.
I guarantee you all these euro tough guys would get fucking wrecked if they'd face true violent criminals from the US, Russia, South America. Every Russian neighborhood has a gangster crazier and more dangerous than what Conor is in "danger" from apparently.
Especially the UK, they love to romanticise the gangsters. It's Mary Poppins for adults there.
Now about McGregor, he is in no danger at all. He slapped around some "tough guys" they were probably happy to meet him.
LOL at euro gangsters.
No gangs in Europe are serious? Yeah the mafia (Italy) are pretty weak aren’t they?
Italy has the mafia
Ireland has the IRA
What does Murica have? Hell's Angels? Lmao
Yall forgetting Walter White was American.
Bring all those tough guy European gangsters out to the sticks in the south and the hillbillies won’t just kill them. They’ll eat them and throw what’s left to the pigs.
The Power Double -Italy has the mafia
Ireland has the IRA
What does Murica have? Hell's Angels? Lmao
We have the “entitled” brats of the democratic party.
A much bigger problem IMO.
It was the kinahans he supposedly got in trouble with. Not to be fucked with.
Remember Conor was gonna get killed?
UK gangsters... so African and Middle Eastern gangsters?
Lee Murray and Lenny McLean (plus their associates) could maybe change your mind
In Dublin now. Ran around to a bunch of pubs last night and met a group of about 15 cops. They are aware of Conor’s incident and said it was another pro fighter that Conor was beefing with, and punched his dad. App he is wealthy and there are people looking to retaliate, but didn’t see mafia related according to these guys. Also said there used to be huge fans of him and now can’t stand him. Not like he cares or anything
But what about the Cosa Nostra dudes in Bedfordshire?
Cousin Larry -Lee Murray and Lenny McLean (plus their associates) could maybe change your mind
Lenny Mclean was in no way, shape or form a ‘gangster’.
Cousin Larry -Lee Murray and Lenny McLean (plus their associates) could maybe change your mind
That's the problem here. The English really love to write stories about anybody that misbehaves they're such a self oppressed bunch, anybody that steps out of the white line is a gangster.
Op knows all about gangsters
RedDragonUK -Russia is part of Asia.OP you remember Lee Murray?
Look up what happened to him before the heist.
Where do you think the “Italian” mafia came from? Clues in the name.
Russia is part of Europe by the way.
Irish and Uk gangsters are more like a throwback to the outfits of the 1920s probibition era. But instead of alchohol its drugs. They mostly just murder each other and the numbers are relativly low, with a couple of shootings a day and a couple of murders a week. Its mostly just dangerous for those people that are involved in that world.