The. Brits are some of the toughest motherfuckers in the world., Fuck your guns , gangs and steroids, in a fight to death on the streets I'd pick a Brit a Russian or an Irishman over any other
Oh ALL you sissies were convinced Conor was in serious trouble.
Now look at everyone being “reasonable”. It’s hilarious really!
I don't think anyone was convinced he was in trouble. I was hoping he was in trouble, which in turn led to my hope that he would be found dead and naked in a dumpster, with his dick in his mouth. But that's just me.
I assure you Irish militants are nothing to be fucked with. I’ve known a few people who grew up near the Irish border and all of them knew some right shady people.
The stockpile rpgs etc. It’s not a street level organisation, it’s more like an army.
Yeah I really wish we had all those violent south American psychopaths in my quiet seaside town in the south west of England.. Then I could boast about how I am from such a scary tough town. Alas I'll just have to walk my streets feeling totally safe.
Yeah I really wish we had all those violent south American psychopaths in my quiet seaside town in the south west of England.. Then I could boast about how I am from such a scary tough town. Alas I'll just have to walk my streets feeling totally safe.
That's my whole point though. They are not close to those American psychopaths, yet the media makes them out to be like they are.
They are just local trash can flippers, nothing else.
pickula - Fucking stupid thread. "Our gangsters are tougher than yours" - as if thats something to be proud about? Moronic OP, matched by some equally moronic responses. Having tougher gangs just means you live in a shittier society, in a shittier country. You can have the toughest gangs, I don't fucking want them. Idiot.
Where do you think the “Italian” mafia came from? Clues in the name.
Russia is part of Europe by the way.
The Mafia came from Italy.
Morte Alla Francia Italia Anela.
Death to the French in Italy.
That’s one of the 30 theories of where the word came from.
Given a reason they were formed was because they were effectively a pro nationalist group interested in kicking the frogs out, I’d give that one more credibility.