can you feel the backlash?

If Fedor does not sign with the UFC will we all turn on him?Dumb ?,of course we will.The ? is ,do we have the right to?It looks like Dana is bending over backwards to make this happen.Can Fedor walk away from the UFC and still be thought of as the greatest hvy eva?By the way,do you think he knows how much the good ol USA wants to see him fight?

I am already pre-writing slams for people who say he is still the best fighter after he doesn't sign for the UFC.

Gotta prepare for the worst case scenario.

I'm saying he NEEDS to sign with the UFC and PROVE that he is still the best. Can't be done anywhere else.

Its not about making sense.Just about how our society judges things.Like it or not the UFC is about all the public knows.The ? is,does Fedor know or care about that.Does he care about his place in MMA history?Come to the UFC and dominate like he did in Pride and I dont think you can even argue the best eva.Dont come and the door is still open.

First of all EM welcome!Second,uuhhm are we agreeing here.

Again not about who really is the best,just who does the public think is best.Does Fedor care?

no hijacking please

tator tot trap

blah blah blah

I believe in Fedor's right to determine the best contract for himself.

I hope he's with the UFC, but if he goes elsewhere I won't take it personally. I'm weird like that.

as an MMA fan I will be very dissapointed if he doesn't sign with UFC since all but one (barnett) of the matchups i'm most interested in for him are with Zuffa


Fedor is still the best fighter ever to compete in MMA...until proven otherwise - in the only place where it counts - in the ring/octagon.

Everything else is Dana White bought-and-paid-for bullshit.

prove it



Who in the UFC can bring into question his status as #1?

Surely not Randy. Randy is great and all, but he's not really a legitimate contender for #1 HW in the world based objectively on his accomplishments at HW.

Who in the UFC would pose a greater threat of beating him than those outside of the UFC? Nog and CC are actually probably the best remaining HW's in the UFC and Fedor has handled them. Gonzaga has shown potential, but is still a couple years away from being a beast.

If Fedor were to come to the UFC, the only real clear challenge for him would be Randy, after that what's left even in the UFC? I personally think that Barnett poses a tougher challenge to Fedor than Randy would. I'm not saying I wouldn't love to see Fedor/Randy, but I'm just being honest.

Those who are making his absence from the UFC out to be such a terrible mark against his legacy are only really basing this on one matchup, which is Randy. And let's be honest, Fedor would be a heavy favorite in that fight.

I would like to see him in the UFC for future match ups.Not even so much the stars at this minute.The Brandon Veras and the talent that is just about to break out.I think the UFC has the $ and stability to make better match ups in the long run.Of course Cro-Cop,Nog,Randy,and the Pittbull to a lesser degree would still be awesome.