Can you fire your agent?

If you do not feel your manager is doing his job can you fire him? I have a friend that is about a year into a two year contract and his manager has done very little for him the last six months. Is he going to have to wait this thing out or can he make arrangements to replace him and get on with his career?

 Does he pay the agent?

what'd Pav do this time.

ACE won DEAL with it -  Does he pay the agent?

Yes, no issue there. Payment was on time and everything.

DanasDaddy - 
ACE won DEAL with it -  Does he pay the agent?

Yes, no issue there. Payment was on time and everything.

 If he pays the guy, he can fire the guy.

Even if it is a two year exclusive deal.

 You can fire your agent AND tell him to fuck off.  Personally I just like the middle finger afterwards though....

Yes, even with 2 year contract, you can fire him.

jjj2121 - what'd Pav do this time.

 Oh Snap!

jjj2121 - what'd Pav do this time.


It depends on the terms of the contract and local law. You can always repudiate the contract, and have someone else take over as agent. The problem is the guy he contracted to might sue for breach of contract. Your friend should look at the contract, and see what the terms are, and if there are any out clauses. There may be other ways, if the contracted agent isn't putting his best efforts forward you friend could probably back out of the contract.

I don't have an agent.

interpreted, and enforced according to the laws of the State of California... is how it reads.

Best thing is just have the conversation. I doubt the agent wants to represent someone that is unhappy. If the agent is owed just work out a way to compensate him or her for their efforts.

The agent is not owed. He was paid on time and in full.

Your agent has a fiduciary duty. If he hasn't been doing much for you lately, you can fire him with a cause.

What is this agent for? What did he do in the first 6 months of his employment as opposed to past 6 months?

 Shouldnt he consult a lawyer as opposed to having his boyfriend ask a bunch of 16 year old tards on an internet website?

Was on top of things the first 6 months. Asleep at the wheel the remainder I guess.

SteveD -  Shouldnt he consult a lawyer as opposed to having his boyfriend ask a bunch of 16 year old tards on an internet website?

