Can you not talk about.....

...the mob? I made a thread last night asking if anyone could substantiate the Fedor article which alludes to the possibility of him having previous Russian mob ties. It was apparently deleted. Is mob talk taboo?

You are not allowed to talk about anything here that is bad for the sport. Save it for Fightsport. ;)

The first rule of mob fight, is you're not allowed to talk about mob fight!

Mr. Fedor says, there ain't no such thing as Russian Mafia, and anyone who says otherwise is entitled to a free ground n' pound lesson, curtosy of Mr. Fedor and associates.

"Lets just say they did it for your safety "

What makes this funny is that its coming from someone named VovchanchynvoV !


I wonder if Fedor would sign an autograph for me after the beating he gave me (supposing he wants the issue to be hush hush); if, in fact, he allows me to live through it.



getting shot would suck