Can't handle the FOX style

Tiresias -
kingkoopa - 
Steve4192 - Fox has no more commercials than Spike did. That is just the nature of non-subscription TV.

The only minor problem I have with FOX production is their choice to do recaps and analysis of fights that just happened, rather than using that airtime to squeeze in another prelim.

Sime minded Americans are too acustomed to being spoon fed everything so they need the analysis and recap in order to understand even the simplest of things they may be watching. It works great in padball Phone Post

What utensil are you fed with on planet dimwit?

First off I don't know how to post pics.

I'm curious if anyone else has notices how much Jacare has changed. He is completely shredded now. He was always muscular, but his definition has really changed. Similar to Vitors. Look at Vitor when he fought Terry Martin or Hendo, and compare his build to his physic now. Look at Jacare when he fought Mousassi and then him at yesterday's weigh ins. Phone Post

Don't want commercials? then don't watch tv Phone Post 3.0

It is absolutely fucking amazing how stupid the noobs are on this board.

Do you jackoffs remember when Comcast wouldn't even carry UFC PPV's? You had to fucking have satellite to watch a UFC PPV.

Now we get FREE UFC EVENTS on FS1 and you guys bitch and moan.

What a bunch of assholes.

Wes_Mantooth - It is absolutely fucking amazing how stupid the noobs are on this board.

Do you jackoffs remember when Comcast wouldn't even carry UFC PPV's? You had to fucking have satellite to watch a UFC PPV.

Now we get FREE UFC EVENTS on FS1 and you guys bitch and moan.

What a bunch of assholes.

pretty much this

Wes_Mantooth - It is absolutely fucking amazing how stupid the noobs are on this board.

Do you jackoffs remember when Comcast wouldn't even carry UFC PPV's? You had to fucking have satellite to watch a UFC PPV.

Now we get FREE UFC EVENTS on FS1 and you guys bitch and moan.

What a bunch of assholes.

MMA fans have an ability to find things to complain about like nobody else this world has ever seen. Phone Post

I agree with OP. but you do gotta be a bit smarter about it.

Fools who expect commercials on TV have been duped by the system into believing that the current production style is the only one that exists, so therefore if you don't accept it then you're a fucking idiot to them.

When it actuality the people who mute commercials that won't be the ones lying on their death bed thinking about PC matic or some faggot on a sham wow commercial.

Fuck all the idiots like CindyO that tried to make OP feel bad when they didn't even take the time to consider OP's point, you just assimilated together into a big clod of dingleberry nut huggers, but you're not reading this because youre too fuckin stubborn and were turned off by the truth long ago.

But keep watching those commercials while I skip em and watch the live MMA ;)

I actually can see there being a Huge shift the next 5-7 years. Wouldn't doubt that there is a pay to watch model. It already exists to some extent.
People who aren't used to it or don't want to pay think its crazy, but more people than you think would pay to have non sponsored viewership.
In fact tv will move to straight a la carte soon and we will go online select the channels we want with a monthly price listed at the bottom- then you will have the choice to pay more to consume ad free.

I'd take fox, fx, fox sports, golf channel, CBS, NBC, and maybe two others - bundle it with the premium (no commercials) package and get the party started. Phone Post 3.0

DWTF - I agree with OP. but you do gotta be a bit smarter about it.

Fools who expect commercials on TV have been duped by the system into believing that the current production style is the only one that exists, so therefore if you don't accept it then you're a fucking idiot to them.

When it actuality the people who mute commercials that won't be the ones lying on their death bed thinking about PC matic or some faggot on a sham wow commercial.

Fuck all the idiots like CindyO that tried to make OP feel bad when they didn't even take the time to consider OP's point, you just assimilated together into a big clod of dingleberry nut huggers, but you're not reading this because youre too fuckin stubborn and were turned off by the truth long ago.

But keep watching those commercials while I skip em and watch the live MMA ;)

Thank you, sir.

PS, fuck Comcast. Phone Post honored to have the queen of the shills in here. Sup Dana! Phone Post

The ticker tape along the bottom regurgitating the same shit gets on my nerves. Phone Post 3.0

Wes_Mantooth - It is absolutely fucking amazing how stupid the noobs are on this board.

Do you jackoffs remember when Comcast wouldn't even carry UFC PPV's? You had to fucking have satellite to watch a UFC PPV.

Now we get FREE UFC EVENTS on FS1 and you guys bitch and moan.

What a bunch of assholes.

So true!

cues RJJs Yall Musta Forgot

Vote this man UP!




DWTF - I agree with OP. but you do gotta be a bit smarter about it.

Fools who expect commercials on TV have been duped by the system into believing that the current production style is the only one that exists, so therefore if you don't accept it then you're a fucking idiot to them.

When it actuality the people who mute commercials that won't be the ones lying on their death bed thinking about PC matic or some faggot on a sham wow commercial.

Fuck all the idiots like CindyO that tried to make OP feel bad when they didn't even take the time to consider OP's point, you just assimilated together into a big clod of dingleberry nut huggers, but you're not reading this because youre too fuckin stubborn and were turned off by the truth long ago.

But keep watching those commercials while I skip em and watch the live MMA ;)

Fuck all the idiots like CindyO that tried to make OP feel bad when they didn't even take the time to consider OP's point, you just assimilated together into a big clod of dingleberry nut huggers, but you're not reading this because youre too fuckin stubborn and were turned off by the truth long ago.


Actually, I simply laughed at another posters comment to TS that I thought was funny. But what's awesome is that you, too, didn't have the common sense to realize commercials are how Zuffa is paid for their content by the network so that you can get it for free. Are you thinking that they should air this shit w/o revenue from anyone??? You or a network partner? LMFAO!!! Yeah, that's a really valid point that should be considered!



...Itty bitty camera on fighter and a HUGE corn nuts ads taking up 3/4ths of the screen...


When I decide on what size large modern expensive flat screen TV I want and spend my hard earned money on it, I consider it a direct and personal insult when graphics and adds fill up 45-75% of my Goddamned screen-space. Fuck that shit.

When I see that, I turn the channel or turn off the TV. I simply won't take that shit no matter what I'm watching.

WeidmansPHD_in_G0atslaying_fr0m_h0fstra_U -

bring back coq rock


This, tha fuck are the chicken fries? Phone Post 3.0

^^^ Tito and I aren't related.

Cindy Phone Post 3.0

fryingarmbar -
MMA Playwright -
Wes_Mantooth - 
Theflesh22 -  The plethora of commercials, The pre-fight analysis, the music, graphics, all of it. The production of that card nearly ruined it. The corner cams, too. Itty bitty camera on fighter and a HUGE corn nuts ads taking up 3/4ths of the screen. Not to say pre-FOX UFC cards didnt slam you with commercials but there is a clear difference with the FOX style and I for one dislike it. What say ye shills? Phone Post

The commercials MAKE THE EVENT FREE.

How fucking stupid are you?

I say we get rid of the commercials and make it where people who watch it have to pay for it. We'll call it pay-per-watch or something like that.
This is a good idea but I say force even the people who pay to watch some movie trailers. Phone Post 3.0

This is funny exchange. You guys r on to something Phone Post

Get over yourself.

If its on free tv its going to all be pretty similar. They are trying to build a format similar to that of any of the other major sports on fox. The only thing that still really bothers me is how scripted the whole thing fucking feels. Any time i hear them open their mouths i cringe at how disingenuous most of it sounds. I wish they would just speak from the heart a bit more and not worry so much about how it sounds.

What are these, co-mer-shulls you speak of? Phone Post 3.0