has anybody got this stuff from their academy?
not at mine.
You can get a staph infection from just about anywhere. We have staph that lives on our skin, so any break in the skin, ingrown hair, pimple, could potentially become a staph infection.
I've gotten a cellulitis from a twisted (heelhooked) ankle.
Had to take Keflex and Cipro for 2 weeks
I've had it twice. Pretty painful if you don't get on the antibiotics quick enough. The first time it was really bad and I was taken to hospital and placed on a drip for an hour or so.
2nd time I was living in Rio, and self-diagnosed it pretty quickly. Fortunately in Rio you can buy basic antibiotics over the counter so I just went down, spoke to the pharmacist and got it cleared up in a couple of days.
Nowadays, I normally wash my skin as soon as possible afterwards with physohex.
Also, i reckon wearing a gi helps!
Yup, thase treatment sounds about right...heavy antibiotics.
A type of staph infection that involves skin is called cellulitis and affects the skin's deeper layers. The staph bateria causes cellulitis; among other nice skin condition which range from a simple boil to antibiotic-resistant infections to flesh-eating infections.
Peoples feet are very prone to pick staph up from the ground and spread it, in addition to us just carrying the bacteria like 007 mentions...basically no bare feet off the mat and no shoes on it!!!!
I've had it 8 times
I was in the hospital for two days one time with cellulitis.