Chael and Wand can fight on TUF..

Before their fight with no repercusions? So If contestents fight in the house they are gone but Wand and Chael can brawl and its peachy? I know it just happened today but I highly doubt anything will be done to Chael or Wand. (maybe the coach who hit Chael will be gone but thats it) It's stuff like this that won't make MMA mainstream cause of the inconsistency of riles and regulations. 

Gobulcoque - How about you wait until you know what actually fucking happened before making shitty threads?

Let me guess you're on of the people who complain that TUF is dumb with drama but when Ronda and Chael are on you watch with glued eyes and hope for let me band guys right?

Fuck I wish this wasn't only on fight pass! Phone Post

When does this air on fight pass? Phone Post 3.0

victorpoprock - When does this air on fight pass? Phone Post 3.0
March 9th! It's a Sunday Phone Post 3.0

CanadianMMA94 -
victorpoprock - When does this air on fight pass? Phone Post 3.0
March 9th! It's a Sunday Phone Post 3.0
Thank you. Vu Phone Post 3.0

Bad move on UFCs part for putting this on fight pass. This would be a big ratings season, and I really don't think it's gonna make that many more people sign up for fight pass. I consider myself a hardcore and even I'm not getting fight pass, even though I REALLY want to see this season live. Phone Post 3.0

It's a ploy to sell Fight Pass. Phone Post 3.0

When does it debut? Phone Post 3.0

K.C. MacPherson Fan - Bad move on UFCs part for putting this on fight pass. This would be a big ratings season, and I really don't think it's gonna make that many more people sign up for fight pass. I consider myself a hardcore and even I'm not getting fight pass, even though I REALLY want to see this season live. Phone Post 3.0
Completely agree Phone Post 3.0

JamyS26 - 
K.C. MacPherson Fan - Bad move on UFCs part for putting this on fight pass. This would be a big ratings season, and I really don't think it's gonna make that many more people sign up for fight pass. I consider myself a hardcore and even I'm not getting fight pass, even though I REALLY want to see this season live. Phone Post 3.0
Completely agree Phone Post 3.0

Do you really think it would get good ratings when it's not in english? How many casual MMA fans want to watch an hour long show in subtitles? If it was in America it would get big ratings but the show was moved to Brazil because it should get huge ratings. The first season of TUF in Brazil was a hit and the second season tanked so they put Chael on to get ratings.

If it ain't Dutch, it ain't much - 
JamyS26 - 
K.C. MacPherson Fan - Bad move on UFCs part for putting this on fight pass. This would be a big ratings season, and I really don't think it's gonna make that many more people sign up for fight pass. I consider myself a hardcore and even I'm not getting fight pass, even though I REALLY want to see this season live. Phone Post 3.0
Completely agree Phone Post 3.0

Do you really think it would get good ratings when it's not in english? How many casual MMA fans want to watch an hour long show in subtitles? If it was in America it would get big ratings but the show was moved to Brazil because it should get huge ratings. The first season of TUF in Brazil was a hit and the second season tanked so they put Chael on to get ratings.

I'm sure people got tired of watching TUF Cry.

They won't get in trouble because they're the coaches and are like 50% of the storyline, a random fighter fighting means nothing.

Briggy -
K.C. MacPherson Fan - Bad move on UFCs part for putting this on fight pass. This would be a big ratings season, and I really don't think it's gonna make that many more people sign up for fight pass. I consider myself a hardcore and even I'm not getting fight pass, even though I REALLY want to see this season live. Phone Post 3.0
Your not a real fan. I wasnt going to get fight pass but i am for this season. Phone Post 3.0
When you have a mortgage, a kid, you already buy all the ppvs, and you have seen all the fights you need to see from the past, youre not shelling out 30$ (3 months of 9.99) for what I'm assuming will be a 12 episode season airing weekly. However I will be watching online for free. Phone Post 3.0

I'll be expecting it on SN360 once again Phone Post 3.0