Chael goes full blast on Mcgregor

meatball - Awaits

"Hey pussy are you still there?"

Shirt. Phone Post 3.0
. Phone Post 3.0

Jamien604 -
Ray Cappa - Chael the climate change denier who said science is the biggest crock of crap there is. Chael - seriously, how can anyone listen to him? He can't carry Schaub's jock strap in the podcast game. Conor shits bigger than Chael. Chael is bush league. Phone Post 3.0

Schaub is just piggybacking off of Rogan. Rogan has one of the most successful podcasts across all genres. Of course anyone who piggybacks off him will be successful.

Schaub would be no where without him.
2 things - nowhere is one word; Schaub got a big boost but he maintains and grows his audience on his own. He even has to carry that dead weight in Callen. Phone Post 3.0

Chael and co aren't doing this out of the kindness of their heart, they don't simply offer 33%, they want their t-shirt company website to get advertising on the cheap via Conor's twitter page so people will buy other shirts from it too.