Chael Sonnen pleads guilty to money laundering

WOAH Phone Post

Thank God, for the UFC's sake, that he lost that title fight. First the roids issue, now this. Wouldn't look good on a "champion".

Phaelers gonna Phael

This is great news! Justice is served. Karma is a bitch but this is what happens to liars and people that talk shit. I don't know why everyone got ao excited about Chael to begin with. It just goes to show how many mma fans just tune in for this "pro wrestling like" fight hype. I lost interest after he started talkin shit on the legends of this sport like nog and wand. He's lucky he didn't get fucked up by some brazlilians. Good riddance.




What a jackass...I hope he does a good amount of time in jail I hate this guy. Phone Post

 I know the rules state that we can't bash fighters, but it's coming to the point that there is no other choice to call Chael Sonnen a fucking retard.  He is a cheat and a liar, and I have no desire to watch him fight.  Have fun getting pounded in the ass by 3 large African-American inmates.

Wow, "when it rains, it pours"! I wonder what Dana has to say. He's probably shaking his head in disbelief. Phone Post

GFP - Wanderlei vs Leben? Nope...
Wanderlei vs Sonnen? Nice try...

Maybe Wanderlei vs Stann?

Lush Rimbaugh - Uh oh spaghettio


Carlos sonnen strikes again Phone Post




Damn he is having a rough couple of months.

Hahaha all that shit talking, now look at him.

PiousDevil - wow, you wacky republicans and your scruples.

Yep, the party of morals.

Jeezus, Sonnen is like the clean-cut version of War Machine; just can't seem to keep himself out of trouble.

I doubt he'll do any time. He probably snitched on everyone else involved.

 You guys do realize that he didnt organize the deal, the loan agents did. But because he was the real estate agent and signed the contracts, he was directly involved in the shady dealing.  Most likely, he knew about what was going on, but because he was not the one submitting the false loan to the lenders, all Sonnen thought he doing was helping get his client a kickback.  Either way he screwed up, but from the facts presented in the article, its doesnt look like Sonnen screwed up that bad and took responsibility for his actions...



Karma is a bitch...and Chael's gonna be someone's bitch in the big house!!!

All Hail Chael, king of the Republi-cons!!!


Loiosh - Fuck, I love karma!