Chael Sonnen pleads guilty to money laundering

I really don't quite understand his role in the transaction. He got paid for the transaction? or was he part of the kickback?

That fucker was meant not to get back in the cage got out of the roid case now this? Phone Post

He will not do much if any time. The feds give you a big break for pleading guilty. The time is based on a point system and the more points you have and priors figure into your sentence. If this is his first felony then more than likely he will end up with federal probation(depending on how much money was involved) or a very short jail sentence.

Lush Rimbaugh - Uh oh spaghettio


Circling the drain. Phone Post

Keeps getting harder to stay a fan of this guy! What really surprises me is how many of you seem so genuinely excited that this man has fucked up and ruined his life. A man that none of you even know, no less! What's fucking wrong with you people? The Sonnen and Lesnar hate is unreal. Phone Post

LOL!! Wow, Carlos Sonnen busted!! Where are all the nuthuggers? Should they start another Latin Grammys thread?


chael was so entertaining. im surprised all you fake wrestling wwe fans dont love him more

Fuck we have to wait for march!!! It's like a season ending cliff hanger. We have to wait till the first episode of the next season to see what happens. Days of are Chael

 Watch out for the shower butt drag, bro.

This sucks. I just wanted to watch the guy fight.

is this real life?


Sonnen has gotta have the most entertaining past 12 months eva!! Phone Post

If it walks like a scumbag, talks like a scumbag... it's a scumbag.


OMG did I wake up?

can you say douchebag?



Epic Chael to go along with the others.