Chael Sonnen pleads guilty to money laundering

Holy banoodles!!! Phone Post

 The insane thing about it is, this was all going on in the background, the entire time he has been talking shit and taking Test. It's like there is no conscience at all.

Unseen -  

 The funny thing is that there is a good chance Armstrong goes to federal prison too. He's under federal investigation right now.

I don't see Chael or his rhetoric flourishing in a prison environment.

Clipsburgh - $20 says if Chael is convicted he kills himself first.

He's not the kind of person that would do well in prison and I'm sure he knows it.

chael plead guilty, he has alread been convicted, the are just waiting for sentencing now.... plus chael has way too big of ego to kill it. lol

i want to root for him, but more and more he is being revealed as a greasy bastard

I bet he doesn't serve any time. Probably loss of his real estate license and some fines.
And I guarantee you the IRS aint standing in his way to fight asap.
They will be there to collect there money as soon as he's done. Whatever the fine will be! Phone Post

hot damn.

OzLoco - I don't see Chael or his rhetoric flourishing in a prison environment.
lol you just KNOW he'd be 100% different in that environment

Wait a minute.

He really IS a gangsta from Oregon?

Haha, well I'll be damned!

Although he might not get much punishment if he didn't receive any money himself.

Guerrero - Jeezus, Sonnen is like the clean-cut version of War Machine; just can't seem to keep himself out of trouble.

Actually a pretty good comparison there.

PJ Benn Fan -  I bet he doesn't serve any time. Probably loss of his real estate license and some fines. And I guarantee you the IRS aint standing in his way to fight asap. They will be there to collect there money as soon as he's done. Whatever the fine will be! Phone Post

 Federal Charges come with mandatory sentences sir


Hey out for your cornhole, buddy.

Jael Sonnen?


5 minutes ago
"I don't see Chael or his rhetoric flourishing in a prison environment." LMAO Best post of this thread 'cause I pictured him! Phone Post

inf0 - can you say douchebag?

<br type="_moz" /> 

As funny as he is, hes losing his credability. Phone Post

when it rains it pours Phone Post

Lee Murray vs. Sonnen

Dana, make it happen!

caposa - Jael Sonnen?
