Chael Sonnen pleads guilty to money laundering

his defense will be - "everyone else was doing it!"

the guy was a fucking realtor ferrcrissakes, that's gotta be worth at least a couple of demerits in the first place!

Well one way to shut his mouth....with a couple dicks.

This is fucked up. No longer a fan.

I did it!

-chael sonnen

Good job Chael.

Your doing everything right to be the ultimate politician (scumbag tactics, etc.) however, stop shitting where you eat toolbox.

 Bwahahahaahhahaha ^^

 Wow, Phael Sonnen and now Jael Sonnen. What's next?

Carl Weathers
1 minute ago
"Word is he hopes to be tried as a juvenile on the basis of never going through puberty" LOL Some good stuff here. Phone Post

PiousDevil - wow, you wacky republicans and your scruples.


Many republicans AND democrats are corrupt.

Keep holding onto your partisan politics. lol

we wont be hearing from this loser for a while

He'll be one of those fighters that will be categorized under "What could've been..." Phone Post

How's War Machine doing?

Im not sure if im more suprised that he was laundering money or that he was dumb enough to get caught

Genious - I'm not a lawyer but I will be shocked if he has to do time. Even if he does, it will be at one of those fluffy white-collar prisons like Martha Stewart went to.

The bigger question is, will the UFC release him? I'd say they about have to, since keeping him threatens the legitimacy of the sport. And let's face it, fight sports, whether deservedly or not, are viewed as a glutton for corruption and mafia ties.

If Rampage can go on a ... well, rampage and crash into a pregnant woman, then a little white collar crime isn't going to be a big deal. These are men who get locked into a cage and fight for a living, not elementary school teachers.

The White Collar Lee Murray.

 It's like Sonnen treats life as one big trolljob.

I find him fascinating.

Skillrules -  Wow, Phael Sonnen and now Jael Sonnen. What's next?

 My guess is Retael Sonnen. As in working for Walmart as a part-time employee with no benefits.

Skillrules -  Wow, Phael Sonnen and now Jael Sonnen. What's next?
Phraud Sonnen?

he dun goofed.

 well.... he's long said he likes attention good or bad and he's definitely been getting a lot of attention, LOL!

Wonder if the UFC will respond in any way based on Chael's integrity issues.....