Chael vs Anderson prediction.

I'm really on the fence here. First of all, Chael is my favorite 185er.

If I have to go out on a limb, I'll say sometime beats the other within a 25 minute time frame and that one guy goes home with the belt. Phone Post


I think Chael's style and striking were why he was so successful in the first fight. I still think until he loses, Silva has to be expected to win.

I'm unbiased, and I think Anderson dominates. I think now he might want to give chael a slow beating, where if he is down on the ground, he won't go in for the kill. He will wait for Chael to get up again so he can knock him down again, or wait for Chael to give up, a la Forrest when he had enough.

However I would want a more balanced fight. Phone Post

Silva via 2nd Round KO Phone Post

I don't wanna say til the fight's over. Phone Post

I think Chael might do decent for a while, but I don't think the fight will resemble their first fight at all. Anderson's movement should be much more fluid without the rib injury.

Chael might eek out a round or two but I don't expect him to dominate at any point like he did in the first fight, and I think Anderson finishes him decisively before the 4th round.

I like how the Chael fans are only looking at how he performed at his zenith; he looked really good with the test level of a juiced-up silverback against an injured fighter. HE BARELY BEAT BISPING! With an almost human test level, he is going to get wrecked. WRECKED!

Chael is gonna come straight forward and Anderson is going to be ready for it.... I wanna say Anderson in the first by TKO 1:15 left on the clock Phone Post

Silva by decision.. Got a feeling Phone Post

 Sonnen via dq

Silva round three head kick to a questionable ground and pound stoppage. The ug implodes...this is how I beat chael on the UFC game. It was a war.

MoN3Y15 - Silva via 2nd Round KO Phone Post

I heart Chael but I agree here... kinda interested in Sensei Seagull's comments about teaching Silva moves that were assumed to be illegal but technically are not...

Is he trolling or are we gonna see Anderson pull a hurricanrana or bronco buster out tonight? Phone Post

I cant stand chael but im not gonna lie if he beat anderson it would be quite the shakeup. The world may implode... but the shit talk would never stop .... i wouldn't be surprised if chael started taking home massive paychecks if he was champ. Phone Post

Same as the first fight, except Chael hurts ANderson in the 3rd and chokes him out.

This fight is exactly the same as the first one, except Silva is way too emotional to stay composed like the first fight.

Poopyface TomatoNose - I'm really on the fence here. First of all, Chael is my favorite 185er.

If I have to go out on a limb, I'll say sometime beats the other within a 25 minute time frame and that one guy goes home with the belt. Phone Post

Thank you for not ruining the fight. Phone Post

Anderson KOs Chael and lands a couple of extra punches on his lifeless face, UG bitches cry as usual

 One man will win and the other will lose. Their will be one final rematch next year

TRT Phone Post