change the name of the UG

who are we kidding? MMa is no longer "underground", nor is this site and its following. UFC and have gone out of their way to make mma more public and mainstream than ever. I have no problem with this, but come on, the days of there being an "underground" mma scene are dead.

Please change the name of the UG. it makes no sense at this point.

You shut the hell up!

MAINSTREAM GROUND is appropriate. the rest of you are delusional if you think there's anything "UG" left about MMA.


i agree. nothing UG about it

In the last few months it's become the Trollground.

 LMMFAO @ people who could not see the future of paying increased ticket prices,declining access to the fighters in chatrooms & everybody wanting to be a part of the "in thing"



FaceFullOfCung - 

 LMMFAO @ people who could not see the future of paying increased ticket prices,declining access to the fighters in chatrooms & everybody wanting to be a part of the "in thing"



all of that is gonna make the market implode. i remember buying every PPV, DVD, magazine, etc because it was such a rare special thing. now the market is flooded with too much MMA garbage. the last time i was at Barnes and Noble there were like 7 different mma magazines, one of which was worth buying. now, i pass on PPV cuz i know they'll show the fights over and over again on free tv.

 I`m not going to pull the "old guard" card but I seen this shit coming in 2000 "IF" MMA was to ever become "main stream"


How about "usedtobeunderbutnowtherestoomanyboneheadsground?"


Scrimps - MMA isn't really mainstream. It's still barely covered and most people have no idea wtf it is.

um, Paris Hilton goes to the fights. Kimbo's mug is plastered across the cover of ESPN magazine. CBS broadcasts free events, etc , etc.

MMA is mainstream. take up powerwalking if you want to be underground.