Charlie Zelenof

I just stumbled upon a video of his fight with Floyd Sr.
Then got curious and looked him up on youtube.
There are dozens of videos, I am hooked now, this guy is hilarious. And sad at the same time, this is not a mentally sane person.
Is he still around? Has anyone met him? Did he come to your gym as well??

he's definitely mentally ill. i truly hope no one flat out hurts him one day

This guy is a tool in every sense of the word. I hope someone flatlines him. I think something is wrong with him but not handy capped mentally other then his up bringing and how he was raised. He's a spoiled brat that thinks he can get one over on people to make a name for himself. I have no pity for him, like he has none for the guys who he wants to light spar with. And he has no skills what so ever. Phone Post 3.0

I'd love to spar him. Honestly would jump at the chance. I follow him on twitter he tweets all the welterweights out there asking for fights. He's an ass clown. Phone Post 3.0

Really good documentary on him, guess he took the padding out of his gloves. Phone Post 3.0

This is the last place i'd hoped to see Charlie being discussed lol.

I have watched his videos over the years.

Any update on those legal proceedings? .

Is he from LA or california? It just seems like that's the only kind of place a guy like this could get away with his crazy antics for so long. Phone Post 3.0

I fucking hate that guy. He runs around sucker punching people and shit.

We've gotten softer as a society. If he tried that stuff 20 years he'd have been put in the morgue. And yeah he's mentally fucked up but so are a lot of other people and they don't do what he does. It's not an excuse to be a piece of shit. Phone Post 3.0

pharochuck -

he's definitely mentally ill. i truly hope no one flat out hurts him one day

I agree with the first half of your post

He's a piece of shit, fuck him Phone Post 3.0

Future middleweight and light heavyweight King (per Charlie). Also, per Charlie he is a former Olympic gold medalist (I am safely guessing that by "Olympics" he is referring to the special Olympics). Give the man his props though, he has already beat one Mayweather up (and by beat up, I mean got beat up by), he simply has three more to go. I say bring on the Black Mamba. Phone Post 3.0

Lol this guys like a train wreck. It's so hard to not look. He's a dirtbag. But I won't lie , it is funny as hell. He's gonna get it good one day. Something is definitely wrong with the fool but I think he knows what he is doing. He's a very emotionally disturbed person that gets off on sucker punching people. Surely no one thinks this guy is like a handicapped person that should be given a pass? He wasn't raised right. This is his parents fault. His father even defends him in a few YouTube videos I think. Lol just a jackass in my opinion. Phone Post 3.0

pharochuck -

he's definitely mentally ill. i truly hope no one flat out hurts him one day

I agree with the first half of your post

He's a piece of shit, fuck him Phone Post 3.0

i wouldn't mind seeing him get his ass kicked, but he's a good bet on a death pool. he's a walking dead man. somebody pretty soon is going to turn off his lights