Cheap Doesn't Mean Illegal

The cheap shot that Lawler landed on Trigg was not illegal, but it was very cheap. By definition a cheap shot means that the other guy doesn't get to pay you back. When a fighter is out, and you continue to hit him, that's cheap.

LOL, yes. Yes he did.

Zimmerman, it's not difficult to imagine you literally crying as you typed that first post. Kindly post video of yourself crying while you post on this forum.

LOL, I was a little misty.

You are trained to keep hitting your oppenent until the Ref stops you.  That ref should be suspended.  I am sure Robbie landed that last one as a thank you for the kiss Frank gave him the day before.

It would be interesting to get the Garv's perspective on this.

Lawler's quote on the Trigg punch


Just to be clear on Lawler's thoughts, from the Honolulu Advertiser interview with Lawler after the fight:

As the referee jumped in to stop the fight, Lawler caught the prone Trigg with another right hook.

"If it was Niko (Vitale) I wouldn't have done that, because Niko's the man and he has respect," Lawler said. "Trigg has no respect."

Ref's fault, not Lawler's.

"If it was Niko (Vitale) I wouldn't have done that, because Niko's the man and he has respect," Lawler said. "Trigg has no respect."

This pretty much sums it up. He saw the opportunity for a legal cheap shot and took it.

No...he is saying that if it was Niko, he would have been conservative with his punches...with Trigg, he would not.  He would have given the benefit to Niko and would not give it to Trigg.

I get what you are saying CZ, but honestly, do you think you are exposing Lawler's disrespectful attitude? I have never heard the guy talk without thinking his was an egotistical prick...

It's really Triggs fault...Protect yourself at all times. Even when KTFO.

This Incident + The Herring KO = Don't kiss your opponent before you fight him!

"When a fighter is out, and you continue to hit him, that's cheap."

I'm not so sure Robbie could see the ref charging. We have all seen guys wake up after being KO'd in many different scenarios. If Robbie stands there, he risks Trigg waking up and the ref backing off. I know the chances might be low, but we have all seen amazing recoveries before.


Hit was legal, but it shows alot about Robbies character.

No class...

I agree that it's not technically illegal.  But very poor sportsmanship too maliciously endanger the health of a helpless opponent.

"so a ko punch is also cheap by your definition...because your opponent cant pay you back...interesting there are so many cheap shots in mma.. "

Nice try, but no cigar. Until the KO, the other guy was in the fight. I see what you're saying, but in the Lawler case, he KNEW his opponent was out and hit him anyway.

Not illegal, but most definitely cheap.

"Man all the little girls on here, it is sad that all you little girls do not play Barbie no more."

LOL. Wow, you're really tough. You can watch guys get hit after they are out and you don't even blink. Well done, brave warrior. Now go play with your GI Joes, killer.