Cheapskates Plan on ‘Escorting’ Fighter Families out of Apex After Each Bout!

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There’s an old joke mixed martial arts (MMA) fighters like to throw around that Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC) stands for, “U Fight Cheap.” That’s certainly on display with this latest edict from promotion brass.

Nolan King reported on a new change to how UFC APEX tickets will be handled for fighters competing at events moving forward. Previously, we’ve heard strange stories of fighters being unable to get their wives or families into UFC’s Las Vegas, Nevada, warehouse where more than one-quarter of annual events are now held.

This is now changing.
The good news: all fighters competing inside UFC APEX will be provided four tickets. The bad news: those tickets are good only for that specific bout. Indeed, once the bout concludes, those family members will be escorted off the floor so the the next batch of four can come watch the next fight.

Rinse and repeat.
“In a memo issued today, UFC CBO Hunter Campbell notified fighters they will now receive four tickets each for family and friends to attend their fights that take place at the UFC Apex in Las Vegas,” King wrote on X. “The tickets are good for each individual fight only and groups will be rotated between fights. Previously , tickets weren’t guaranteed. It was a bit situational, but fighters’ family and friends were frequently purchasing tickets in order to watch live.”

“Beginning with UFC FIGHT NIGHT this Saturday, April 6, athletes who compete on cards at UFC APEX will receive four (4) seats for friends and family to watch their fight only,” Campbell’s memo read. “Following the bout, your guests will be escorted out of APEX. This practice will be in effect for all events at UFC APEX going forward.”
Nothing like being told to leave — super classy.

UFC tickets to APEX events are not cheap, costing more than $1,500 just to get into the building. With limited space and premium pricing, we guess it’s not surprising that UFC would do what it can to maximize profits … even if it involves more shoddy treatment of the roster that makes the whole business possible.

Many legit things to whine about, this ain’t one. In a normal venue, sure, it’d be cheap. For the APEX with such limited seating? You can come support your fighter, then leave with him after. What’s the issue?


Sprawl aint wrong. And Its Endeavor . But its a cheap look. Like hit a home run in the park and then scram . LOL


Can family go to the back area with their fighter after the fight…or do they get 86ed all together?

How about we stop holding fights in that little shitbox anyway? Covid is long gone dude, time to move on already.


they bought and own it so there must be an advantage

The Apex is a sport killer.
They’re just getting pathetically lazy with that dump.

I really don’t care about Fights at the Apex to begin with. Marina Rodriguez can headline a preliminary bout in Brazil, her family could see her. Why we need these shitty main-events with sub-par fighters?

Fuck Endeavor. This is almost as pathetic as banning UFC gifs being posted on here

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