Check out Skrape & Nate marquardt's new cars!

Skyskrape of Tapout & UFC Fighter Nate Marquardt got to see their newly customized cars last night at the GM private event during the SEMA show. Nate's response? "I'm speechless!"

Click the photo below to view the pics!!
Click the photo below to view the pics!!
Click the photo below to view the pics!!

^^^yes. almost everywhere

Tracy it would appear that you forgot to take a picture of the actual cars??

Is there any back-story on this? For their charity contributions, etc or they just paying to get the cars tricked?

Tapout tapped out on the sport.

some full shots of the cars would have been nice. Nate's car color is ugly though.

LTL - Tracy it would appear that you forgot to take a picture of the actual cars??

Is there any back-story on this? For their charity contributions, etc or they just paying to get the cars tricked?

 Awesome site sponsor Tracy.

if I could have backed up and got full shots of the car, I promise that I would have. there were way too many people around.

superCalo - 
tracylee - if I could have backed up and got full shots of the car, I promise that I would have. there were way too many people around.

You need one of those new backup camera lenses that can make your picture appear that its from furthur away,they are a super advanced technological breakthrough that I have been lucky enough to get a supply from a source in NASA, if you supply your credit card details and expiry date I can send you a free sample,
Actual real life LOL.


Bummer for them that they got stuck with American cars