Check out Vlad Koulikov's new DVD series Sambo Jiu-jitsu Fusion available through Budo Videos
Haven't wTched yet but anybody named Vlad has got to be legit. The name Just sounds mean.
cool. I liked that spine lock from butterfly.
I think I might by that
too the top for Vlad he teaches at my gym and is a great instructor with a really unique blend of grappling Watching him teach I know why so many of the fighters coming over from Russia are doing so well in MMA.
John Danaher "invents" that spine lock in Renzo Gracie Legacy. Renzo doesn't buy it haha. I wonder if John ever worked it out.
pahulkster - John Danaher "invents" that spine lock in Renzo Gracie Legacy. Renzo doesn't buy it haha. I wonder if John ever worked it out.
I know Renzo did.... He was doing it to us the last time he came up to visit....also showed us a pretty slick ezekial from inside someone's 1/2 guard.
Ads Sambo Jiu Jitsu Fusion start up almost every single time I play a video on Youtube. It's a little bit annoying, to be honest.
That spine lock in butterfly is an awesome way to start the sweep from there. It's one of my favorites!