Chinese superstar Wu Hao Tian KO'd last night

I just got an email from some of the guys who fought in Art of War, Beijing China this weekend.

Wu Hao Tian is the poster boy for AOW, and was recently showcased in several MMA magazines. (Fight!, Fighters Only, etc)

Wu Hao Tian, China's top BJJ Purple belt was previously undefeated with a 4-0-1 record.

He was KO'd in 20 seconds by Shukhrat Minovarov of Uzbekistan.

Can someone embed this for me?

man, getting caught coming in. no head movement at all

Someone was telling me that Benny The Jet's brother is this guys boxing coach.

Man, Big John McCarthy goes up and down in weight drastically and seemingly very quickly.

He was pretty thin and built at the last affliction.

Thanks for the vid

Damn that was a hard punch he took

Good to see countries like uzbecistan which i cant even spell producing solid mma competitors


 It was nice of the fans to shout his name as soon as he got KO'd to show they still support him.

Borat would tell you to expect foul play

 You could HEAR that shot. That was almost as loud as Bas Rutten's right hand across Ruben Villareal's chin.

Hear that crack? That is one of the reasons to go see fights live. You just dont get those 'thwacks' on tv.

yet you can get hear them on youtube?

totaljerkface - yet you can get hear them on youtube?


totaljerkface - yet you can get hear them on youtube?


But yeah, its amazing what you hear with no Rogan, Goldie, Goldberg, Mauro, cornermen, etc in the mix. But, admittedly, I've missed a few thwacks live due to being surrounded by some drunken jackassery.

Not Monty - 
totaljerkface - yet you can get hear them on youtube?


But yeah, its amazing what you hear with no Rogan, Goldie, Goldberg, Mauro, cornermen, etc in the mix. But, admittedly, I've missed a few thwacks live due to being surrounded by some drunken jackassery.

Sorry about that. 

that was a good punch. what's up with the gracie style fake front kick stomp feign?

this is why mma rules

DAYUM! Now that was a slob knocker!