Chris Brennan DVD Special

Island Rocks.

With a name like that you can have 2.

One of the best deals I have ever seen!



I lent out half of my Chris Brennan tapes and I can't remember who has them :(

but,I bought a whole new set of DVDS :)

By overwhelming support for Chris's DVDs. The special 6 offer continues indefinatly. Unbelivable response from the UG


I bought his Kimura DVD (didn't know the other volumes were also available on DVD at the time) and I have to say
that it is one of the best instructional videos I've seen up to date.

these dvd's suck. I watched them twice and I still can't fight like Chris Brennan. DAMMIT!

***realizes brennan might read this thread....erase,erase,erase...****





is this the same as his 8 vol vhs set just on dvd now?

Itis an awsome set worth more than the price it's being sold for.
