Chuck getting screwed by UFC

Chuck could well be the best light heavy in the world. Maybe, maybe not. But until UFC put there hands in their overflowing pockets and start signing the rest of the top 5 guys in the world we'll never know, and more to the point he'll never get to really test himself.

Imagine, Chuck vs Silva, Shogan, Little Nog, Arona, I'm salivating at the thought. 4 insane match-ups that could all go either way. But unfortunaltely we are forced to wath him beat up Tito again, (what's Tito going to do out wrestle him, out box him, that ain't happening). And what's next, a re-match with vernon white, oh please.

Thanks fuck for Rampage that's all i can say but trajically those 2 beatings from Silva really took the fight out of him.

Come on Dana Pride is hurting, get the big boys!


I have said a few times that Rampage lost his fire when he found God and got beat down by Chute Boxe, but that wasn't the same guy that stepped up and fought Lindland. I think Rampage is happy to be fighting back in the US and I think he could still be a force at LHW, but only time will tell.

Chuck is hurting for opposition, but the fact that his KO list is a who's who of MMA speaks for itself.

Chuck would KO arona after catching him with his chin out and hands down off of one of his retard strengh leg kicks.

Tito should get to one knee and chase Chuck around like that.

I would love to see Chuck put on 15lbs and fight Cro Cop in a non-title heavyweight fight!

I know I am kidding myself to think its possible, but that is my dream matchup!

"I would love to see Chuck put on 15lbs and fight Cro Cop in a non-title heavyweight fight!"

I dont think he would have to put on any weight at all. Silva outweighed Crocop and Chuck looks quite a bit bigger than Silva when they are next to each other. Chuck just wouldn't have to cut weight.

Chcuck needs to prove nothing. The list of guys he has faced is far more impressive than the list of guys he hasn't faced.

" Chcuck needs to prove nothing. The list of guys he has faced is far more impressive than the list of guys he hasn't faced."

Are you on crack?

It's funny people say Chuck has to face every good Pride middleweight to prove himself, but Wandy doesn't. Wandy will not fight Shogun, and hasn't fought Lil Nog, Igor, Overeem, Randelman or rematched Vitor. Chuck has to rematch all his losses, but Wandy doesn't. The UFC signed Rampage, so Chuck can rematch his only remaining loss. When does Wandy fight Vitor or Tito, or Shogun fight Babalu, or Gomi fight BJ.


Stop it. You're making sense, and that isn't allowed around here when talking about Chuck.

I am pretty sure chuck does not feel screwed. The guy is a millionaire.

everyone can say whatever about who he does or doesn't fight but i'm just glad for 1 thing. glad he isn't fighting me.

We'll NEVER see any of those matchups.

Dana will continue to protect Chuck.

He had a perfect opportunity to sign Chuck/Arona,

and did not even return a simple phone call......