I found this while browsing around on ebay. Which one of you losers is trying to sell this garbage.
lol it's quality and HAND MADE one of a kind - just buy it already - I need the money!
Why is his body black?
This doll let's you know that Chuck fears getting sunburned on his head so he only tans his body.
lol at the thumb on the Jesus picture
That just made my day! That is absolutely hilarious! I hope some idiot buys it for a small fortune. JKB
here's a chuck marionette to go with it
Crazy thing is, some retard will likely buy it.
The cut abs are not realistic, if they had him with a slight gut it would be very lifelike.
If they can add a talking feature whre he shakes his head no and says " Tito and I never had a pact, there was never an agreement not to fight" ...then it might be worth something.
fuckin hell them dolls are hilarious, stick pins its eyes, see how chuck like a taste of his own (voodo) medicine
The action figure has a thumb that shoot's out the opponents eye.
"Crazy thing is, some retard will likely buy it."
STFU, asshat. If you must know, it was a BIG hit on the short bus this morning! I made tons of new friends. Great investment, imo.
do the thumbs work?
It's the perfect MMA athlete....Chucks head on Koschecks body.....the top level striking and wrestling machine. I'll take one!
oh...I'm kidding about wanting one. Didn't want the manufacturer to waste more money on supplies.