Chuck VS Tito 3?

Thinking about this useless match up made me think of how fighters who absolutely dominate others but seem to have someone else that has their number.

Like Tito...He could beat Shamrock any time any place but We all know that Chuck has his #.

And with Chuck and Tito...Rampage has Chucks

Rich Franklin....Had Evan Tanners # but Anderson has his.

Any more you can think of?

GSP has Penn and Hughes's numbers on speed dial anytime they want to act up

Mr R 1982 - GSP has Penn and Hughes's numbers on speed dial anytime they want to act up

Right, but I was thinking about fighters who get beat by a particular fighter as well.

Plus Hughes has beat GSP.

 You could argue that Chuck also owns Randy and Babalu's #s as well.

Sobral yes but Randy has beat him.

CaptainWoody - Sobral yes but Randy has beat him.

 Chuck kinda beat himself in the first fight with not respecting Randy and then he won the next two in dominate fashion. Even Randy has said there is no reason for a 4th fight.

 I agree totally

 i just hope chuck takes training seriously and cracks titos skull

ranier wolfcastle -  i just hope chuck takes training seriously and cracks titos skull

 He will he wants and needs this KO.


I put Chuck-Tito 3 in the same class as Nog-Heath 3.


Jack Skellington - I put Chuck-Tito 3 in the same class as Nog-Heath 3.

Pretty much. WHY are they still trying to do this?

Just let it go.


awilson82 - 
CaptainWoody - Sobral yes but Randy has beat him.

 Chuck kinda beat himself in the first fight with not respecting Randy and then he won the next two in dominate fashion. Even Randy has said there is no reason for a 4th fight.

I agree, but Randy still beat him. I'm talking about fighters that have DOMINATED others while at the same time have fought someone else multiple times that dominated them.

Oh Rampage, why couldn't you just take your third beating like a man, you had to go and "fight back".

Tito is Chuck's Ken

Horn beat Sonnen a few times if memory serves correct. Dunno who Sonnen owns though. maybe filho......

ShanTheMan - Horn beat Sonnen a few times if memory serves correct. Dunno who Sonnen owns though. maybe filho......

he's 1-1 with filho

and if you can't even finish a guy who is literally hallucinating during the fight, you don't own anything