CircaFit Training Centre

Circafit Training Centers are Canada's most unique fitness facilities taking the outdoors and bringing them indoors with a Fun Organic Workout in a group setting with one of our Circafit Certified Trainers.

Our Programs are built to direct constant Muscle Confusion and Functional Strength, in turn offering greater fitness results in a shorter time frame.

We also offer Sports Specific Team Training Programs giving your team an advantage over the competition, with a guarantee improvement in Speed, Agility, Endurance and Power targeted specifically towards your sport.

As a bonus, our Georgetown Ontario location has added Brazilian Jiu Jitsu & Kick Boxing / Muay Thai classes to the mix.

Come by on July 14th and participate in the re-Grand Opening by joining in one of our classes. 60 Armstrong Ave, Georgetown, ON L6S 5X8 905-702-0200

See you there!!!

I like the website, I think I will check this place out!!

Good luck on your new endeavour Shaun! If we lived closer we'd definitely join!

ttt for Circafit!

We are up and running, come by and try a Free class. BJJ, Mauy Thai, Strength and Conditioning Circuits.

New CircaFit Commercial. Come out and try a free workout.

Next Monday, August 27 at 6:00am, City TV Breakfast Television will be visiting CircaFit Georgetown. Come by and see us if you want to check out the facility or just want to be on TV. The invitation is open to everyone, see you soon!!!

Be sure to check out for video footage of our visit from Breakfast Televion.