Coach: Fedor has potential to be better than ever

orcus - "By learning new things, having a better training camp, and being as focused as he was before he ever lost a fight."

Come on man.

Better training camp? Than what? Than Strikeforce, sure. Than prime Fedor? Training with Red Devil, Russian Top Team, Kharitonov, Hoost/Golden Glory, Aleksander, etc? No. Being AS focused as he used to be? Obviously that won't make him BETTER than he used to be.

That leaves learning new things. Is Crackhead Control going to totally revolutionize his game? I mean seriously dude.

He's a guy who, at his peak, had been training most of his life with world-class grapplers and strikers, was in his physical prime, and had an aura of invincibility that made guys second-guess themselves or freeze up. Now he's been badly stopped three times, he's way past his physical prime, he hasn't competed or likely trained intensely for 4 years, and he's still with the same coach he's been with his entire life. The idea that he is going to be BETTER than he was then is just silly.

"I love seeing orcus claim everyone else is who loses their common sense when fedor is discussed"

I love seeing dorks here care more about zingers than making legit points. By all means, tell us something I've said about Fedor that defies common sense. Or is this like how whenever I ask you guys to tell me something I've said that is "hateful" about Fedor, you just say "you know you do it" and change the subject because you can't actually think of anything?
Jesus man what a waste of time you spent formulating this silly ass paragraph.

Can't believe I actually thought you'd come up with a somewhat legitimate argument lol. Phone Post 3.0

Okay, here's a simpler form:

A 39-year old man coming off a 4-year layoff is not going to be better than he was as a dedicated 28-year old man who was undefeated and considered the best in the world if not best ever.

How fucking stupid does that sound when you put it in simple terms? You could literally put any name but "FEDOR" in there and 100% of you would agree it's moronic.

You retards like to drone on and on about how Fedor went 10 years without losing a round, was never in trouble, blah blah maybe you can tell me how even hypothetically he could be "better" now? He won't lose a single striking exchange, will never get taken down or reversed, will never have a takedown stuffed? lol

fightsfan - COUTURE was the natural and he fought in top form after 40, but of course he is an exceptional is FEDOR more than likely

Couture was not a better fighter at that age, he just fought in the shallowest division upon his return after being forced into retirement at LHW. As soon as the weightclass gained any depth whatsoever he was done.

orcus - Okay, here's a simpler form:

A 39-year old man coming off a 4-year layoff is not going to be better than he was as a dedicated 28-year old man who was undefeated and considered the best in the world if not best ever.

How fucking stupid does that sound when you put it in simple terms? You could literally put any name but "FEDOR" in there and 100% of you would agree it's moronic.

You retards like to drone on and on about how Fedor went 10 years without losing a round, was never in trouble, blah blah maybe you can tell me how even hypothetically he could be "better" now? He won't lose a single striking exchange, will never get taken down or reversed, will never have a takedown stuffed? lol

I think a lot of people disagree with you because you aren't giving Fedor a fair shake, although the points you have about his layoff are pretty valid. However...

Taking a 3 year layoff and coming back to win in a Heavyweight division that is largely the same as when he left it 3 years prior seems insurmountable, but if anyone can do it, it's the man who ruled the roost for 10 years. Killers don't forget how to do their thing and tend to finish fights once they smell blood and have the guy hurt. A lot of fighters can't capitalize on openings the way Fedor did. And he sees a lot of openings that others either can't or aren't skilled enough to exploit.

Furthermore, I wouldn't worry about his cardio in a division filled with successful fighters in his age group. Moreover, especially in a heavyweight fight, once fatigue sets in then the fight largely becomes a battle of either a) power of fists/durability of chins or b) technique and timing. Fedor excels at the latter, and it will be interesting to see how it stacks up today.

All in all, I understand the skepticism that comes with this "Fedor coming back after a hiatus" talk lately. But saying that he can't compete and will get dominated, to me, is very extreme and disrespectful to his still-relevant skillset.

The only prediction I'll make is that if he does somehow get matched up with fighters in the UFC, then he will put on an exciting fight.

HexRei - he's almost forty, no, he won't be better than ever. Be real ffs.

Werdum is 38 and he is better than ever, heavyweights usually peak in mid 30s..

doubting Fedor went out with the ironic moustache

Much respect for Fedor, but he would wanna hope he is better now than before, especially if he sign with the UFC.

I hope he comes back like Wedum/Arvloski, but wouldn’t be surprised if it’s more like Overeems first bunch of UFC fights.

Fedor has never shown emotion so who really knows but maybe it comes down to desire. How long was he fighting while not really having the desire to fight? Obviously he could have stayed away but if he really wants to fight again and has that drive then maybe a break away was the best thing for him. Phone Post 3.0

I would love to see 28 year old Fedor walk into the UFC and dominate. Prime Fedor was an explosive, powerful , fast, reflex based fighter with solid to great technique.

40 year old Fedor is not going to improve enough on his technique to make up for the loss in his physical attributes. Anything else is wishful thinking.

I'm sure he can improve upon his strikeforce run. I'd even give him an outside chance at getting the title. He's not going to be the same fighter he once was though. Not going to happen.

If he signs it will be hilarious listening to the UFC hype train getting behind Fedor. Phone Post 3.0