Coach: Fedor has potential to be better than ever

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                                Coach: Fedor has potential to be better than ever

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                    <p>Sambo legend Vladimir Voronov has trained Fedor Emelianenko since the age of twelve. When they first met 25 years ago, the coach knew Fedor was special.</p>

“I saw a halo over his head ... He was the chosen one,” said Voronov in 2010 on the cable television station Russia Today. ”Overcoming laziness and tiredness, that is his way.”

Now in a recent interview at M-1 Challenge 60, the coach said Fedor could be better than before.

"Fedor called and said he had such a wish [to return to MMA]," said Voronov, as translated by Karim Zidan for BE. "I fully supported him. I think that Fedor's potential is bigger than he achieved before. I know him from childhood. If he decided to return, it will be very serious."

'The Last Emperor' retired in June of 2012, but recently said he is in negotiations with the UFC, among other leagues, for his return, and desires a rematch with UFC heavyweight champion Fabricio Werdum.

Fedor and Voronov give a Sambo exhibition in Korea in 2006.

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I hope he can but 2015 fedor dies fighting 2004 fedor

I want rematches with the guys who beat him while taking trt. Then werdum and if he wins we give him earth

Hey UG blog, this gif is for you:


"Fedor called and said he had such a wish [to return to MMA]," said Voronov, as translated by Karim Zidanfor BE."

Goddamit, Karim Zidan from BE didn't translate shit. There are english subtitles in the video, for fuck's sake!

lol Kirik come on, it's getting ridiculous at this point...

Hope he comes back and dominates. Phone Post 3.0

disbeliever - Stfu

-orcus Phone Post 3.0

Why would I want to get in the way of people who believe that a 39-year old "all-natural" family man can come back after a 4-year layoff and some bad losses and be better than he was as a 28-year old, hungry killer who lived and breathed training and fighting and had an aura of invincibility?

touch - 

Hey UG blog, this gif is for you:




disbeliever -
orcus - 
disbeliever - Stfu

-orcus Phone Post 3.0

Why would I want to get in the way of people who believe that a 39-year old "all-natural" family man can come back after a 4-year layoff and some bad losses and be better than he was as a 28-year old, hungry killer who lived and breathed training and fighting and had an aura of invincibility?

I am sure watching someone like Andre get back in title contention must also excite you
Mark Hunt did it too, why not Fedor, orcus? Phone Post 3.0

Jesus, even for a demonstration, that throw at 2:00 is insane. Phone Post 3.0

"I am sure watching someone like Andre get back in title contention must also excite you"

Yes, it is exciting, just like Fedor's return will be if it goes well.

"Mark Hunt did it too, why not Fedor, orcus?"

Mark Hunt was a terrible MMA fighter who improved gradually over time as would be expected. Of course he got better, he started at practically zero. There's no similarity to a fighter who trained grappling/striking in the Russian sports machine for his entire life, peaked in his mid- to late- 20s, declined, lost several times, then took 4 years off. Not only that but Fedor's primary attributes were his explosive speed and relentless pace, while Hunt's were his chin and power.

What would possibly make Fedor better than he's ever been? His physical attributes obviously will have dropped off significantly and 4 years away from the sport obviously won't have improved his skills noticeably beyond where they were when he was training and competing daily for 15-20 years.

It's like people automatically lose any semblance of rationality or common sense when they see the name "Fedor".

orcus - "I am sure watching someone like Andre get back in title contention must also excite you"

Yes, it is exciting, just like Fedor's return will be if it goes well.

"Mark Hunt did it too, why not Fedor, orcus?"

Mark Hunt was a terrible MMA fighter who improved gradually over time as would be expected. Of course he got better, he started at practically zero. There's no similarity to a fighter who trained grappling/striking in the Russian sports machine for his entire life, peaked in his mid- to late- 20s, declined, lost several times, then took 4 years off. Not only that but Fedor's primary attributes were his explosive speed and relentless pace, while Hunt's were his chin and power.

What would possibly make Fedor better than he's ever been? His physical attributes obviously will have dropped off significantly and 4 years away from the sport obviously won't have improved his skills noticeably beyond where they were when he was training and competing daily for 15-20 years.

It's like people automatically lose any semblance of rationality or common sense when they see the name "Fedor".
"What would make Fedor better than he's ever been?"

By learning new things, having a better training camp, and being as focused as he was before he ever lost a fight. Phone Post 3.0

orcus - "I am sure watching someone like Andre get back in title contention must also excite you"

Yes, it is exciting, just like Fedor's return will be if it goes well.

"Mark Hunt did it too, why not Fedor, orcus?"

Mark Hunt was a terrible MMA fighter who improved gradually over time as would be expected. Of course he got better, he started at practically zero. There's no similarity to a fighter who trained grappling/striking in the Russian sports machine for his entire life, peaked in his mid- to late- 20s, declined, lost several times, then took 4 years off. Not only that but Fedor's primary attributes were his explosive speed and relentless pace, while Hunt's were his chin and power.

What would possibly make Fedor better than he's ever been? His physical attributes obviously will have dropped off significantly and 4 years away from the sport obviously won't have improved his skills noticeably beyond where they were when he was training and competing daily for 15-20 years.

It's like people automatically lose any semblance of rationality or common sense when they see the name "Fedor".

he's almost forty, no, he won't be better than ever. Be real ffs.

disbeliever - I love seeing orcus claim everyone else is who loses their common sense when fedor is discussed. Phone Post 3.0

Lol, Rich Irony


Everyone else is crazy, he's the only sane one.

"By learning new things, having a better training camp, and being as focused as he was before he ever lost a fight."

Come on man.

Better training camp? Than what? Than Strikeforce, sure. Than prime Fedor? Training with Red Devil, Russian Top Team, Kharitonov, Hoost/Golden Glory, Aleksander, etc? No. Being AS focused as he used to be? Obviously that won't make him BETTER than he used to be.

That leaves learning new things. Is Crackhead Control going to totally revolutionize his game? I mean seriously dude.

He's a guy who, at his peak, had been training most of his life with world-class grapplers and strikers, was in his physical prime, and had an aura of invincibility that made guys second-guess themselves or freeze up. Now he's been badly stopped three times, he's way past his physical prime, he hasn't competed or likely trained intensely for 4 years, and he's still with the same coach he's been with his entire life. The idea that he is going to be BETTER than he was then is just silly.

"I love seeing orcus claim everyone else is who loses their common sense when fedor is discussed"

I love seeing dorks here care more about zingers than making legit points. By all means, tell us something I've said about Fedor that defies common sense. Or is this like how whenever I ask you guys to tell me something I've said that is "hateful" about Fedor, you just say "you know you do it" and change the subject because you can't actually think of anything?

I'd love to hear disbeliever try to explain with a straight face how common sense does NOT side with me on this topic.

disbeliever - Admitting you have an obsession is the first step. We are 03 brothers, I will be here for you.

There's the evasion, right on schedule.

COUTURE was the natural and he fought in top form after 40, but of course he is an exceptional is FEDOR more than likely