Coalition of Combat in AZ

 So I finally get to fight since Bellator 46. I'm fighting my old training partner and friend Randy Steinke this weekend in the Coaltion of Combat show in Phoenix. I just wanted to give any of my friends on here the heads up. If you live in AZ and can make it, that'd be awesome. If you can't, just go to and figure out how to stream the fight. I'm no help on that. I just punch things. FTUG!

 Crap, I forgot to mention that fight is this Saturday the 2nd. I don't think there are any other big shows going on so you guys better watch. I've got two other teammates from Power MMA on there too. Rob Woodin (monster) and Aaron Caryl. so cheer those guys on if you know what's good for you!


 I'm almost back up to 165. This will be fight of the night.