Cody Stamann Pulls Gun on USADA Tester


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Now that United States Anti-Doping Agency (USADA) is no longer drug testing UFC fighters, some of the promotion’s top athletes are sharing their horror stories from their days in the organization’s Whereabouts Program. The process included USADA inspectors showing up unannounced at all hours of the day and night for surprise sample collections.

UFC bantamweight Cody Stamann was ill-prepared for such a visit after drinking with his buddies one Friday night, leading to an awkward (and pants-less ) encounter with a new USADA employee.
Stamann shared the incident with The Score:

So I grabbed my gun — a 1911 .45 handgun — off my nightstand, I ran to the front door, and just absolutely ripped the door open, just standing there completely balls-out naked. I didn’t actually point the gun at him but I had two hands on the gun, standing there in a fighting stance.

This guy turned around and he looked at me and he was like, ‘Uh, I’m USADA, I’m here to do a drug test for you.’ I saw immediately that he was a testing officer. I recognized the USADA T-shirt. I said, ‘Will you give me just one second, please,’ and he went, ‘Take all the time you need.’

I went to shut the door and he was like, ‘No, no, no, I gotta go with you.’ I was like, ‘Are you serious? OK.’ So I went to the laundry room and threw some shorts on. Instinctively, I still had the gun in my hand. He asked, ‘Will you please put that down?’ And I was like, ‘Yeah, dude, my bad.’


NICE! He has set the table for future testers to give him a LOT of time before he opens the door next time. Well done Cody!


What a life you must have if your automatic response is to pull a gun whenever anyone is at your door knocking.


My first thoughts

Also another thought is that somebody can’t handle their alcohol


Strickland won’t even go to the mailbox without a handgun.
mind you I always check for snakes, lol. (down under in the country)



Hopefully it is “out of competition” testing…sounds like he would pop for meth.

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To be fair, he’s the size of a petite American woman.

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Good leave us 'Muricans the fuck alone, and go take some piss from some Dhagi who’s got his dick in a goat… UselessSADA


You check for snakes, I check for deer.


Better than having to check for moose, I wouldn’t want to fuck with one of those guys

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Yeah fuck that, dude. Deer are some of the safest animals to be around, as long as you aren’t fucking with them.


But with the right car you can just drive right under a moose.

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The first comment on this video says “when I was young I thought moose were the size of deer”

I still thought that until about 30 seconds ago. What the fuck


That’s what Im saying!!

Some people, at the slightest fear, will immediately run to a gun.
I dont like it. I dont like guns.


^^^ I like guns, but not because I like to shoot them at people. They are just fun to shoot. But in my house they are hidden nearby and my kids know where they are. They know the guns are to be left alone and respected, as they are dangerous. If somebody breaks into my house while we are asleep I will have zero problems shooting them if I feel like I need to. But I would never answer my door with a gun in my hand unless I planned on smoking the motherfucker on the other side.

Don’t be picking up a gun like that unless you wanna get killed yourself. Stupid shit.


^^all that being said, guns for self defense are a last resort for me. I would only use if I felt I had to and would prefer to be left alone. I won’t jump to a gun at the slightest fear. That is way too dangerous…. If only the world had less cowards in it who had no problems getting their ass whooped