Colby Covington threatens Jon Anik “I don’t want your kids to grow up without a dad”

Ariel weighs in

Is if free game to just assault(sucker punch) a UFC athlete after the finish dinner


Belal’s a blanket. No one cares.


Notice how Belal and leftist friends get all the major network appearances and Colby needs to resort to peripheral networks/appearances. Regardless MMA-related or not, they decide who deserves it and then brainwash everyone to make it happen, while attempting to shame and even make other opinions disappear.


No, it’s legit to persecute someone because of his political affiliations and practice conflict of interest to advance someone who works with your (Anik’s) brother.

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reports arent great i think he technically mightve “won” that hate crime he did

cops were called there though

Nothing that mentions a hate crime, just that he hurled insults


Uh Huh Sure GIF

I mean if Anik wants to be biased and for belanket muhammad, he should be ready for backlash.


This. Little cunt will sue


lol. everything is political with you little american snowflakes

your country has become so sissified smdh


lol go write another bad joke all caps you little attention whore. Again with the American. What information do you have about me that makes you so sure I’m American? Secondly, stop calling others snowflakes you emotional spoiled little bitch. Try to be a bit more creative and less repetitive, less usage of terms used against you against others. Thirdly, mentioning Colby and how others react to him and claiming it has nothing to do with politics is something only a naive kid like you would argue. Fourthly, mentioning Colby and reactions isn’t “everything.” You’re just exaggerating because that’s you–black and white, nothing in the middle, appropriate for a simple minded immature little girl.

lol snowflakes gonna snowflake I guess smdh

lol here you go again. boring and repetitive. try again, this time harder.

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Colby is right though, Anik shouldn’t try to be match-maker, he should stick to his role as an impartial commentator. His twin brother does a podcast with Belal so he wants to push him after kissing Colby’s ass. Completely unprofessional.


ROFL what woman would pick to fuck a guy like Anik over a guy like Colby!? Anik is just an LGBTQ-supporting overhyped short, bald, and ugly commentator, an easily replaceable small piece in a large organization. Colby just created more buzz in London than a British champion going against one of the best WW ever by showing up to weigh-in. Get a grip and a reality check. Beta nerd Anik fucks Colby’s GF. ROFL

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Twisted steel American sex appeal

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Nice ass.
I wonder how much that stripper charged him to touch her ass?

People came to watch Leon and paid crqzy prices for it. 10 million dollar gate.
Leon is a boss now.