Ufc doctors say no broken jaw
Mr Nobody -Ufc doctors say no broken jaw
Uh, try to pay attention. Mid line non-displaced fracture, dipshit. Try to stay up to speed.
True story.
goldenboyart -Mr Nobody -Ufc doctors say no broken jaw
Uh, try to pay attention. Mid line non-displaced fracture, dipshit. Try to stay up to speed.
Oké boomer
Rear Naked Bloke -Doh!
This is the shining light in this thread
goldenboyart -Mr Nobody -Ufc doctors say no broken jaw
Uh, try to pay attention. Mid line non-displaced fracture, dipshit. Try to stay up to speed.
Calm down man…it’s just a forum.
gonna be worst pain yo life!
It was probably a dislocation and small fracture
Mr Nobody -
I don't think this is really Colby's x-ray.
It's like a shattered nose and hair line fracture , they both suck but one is better then the other
scrapdo -Mr Nobody -
I don't think this is really Colby's x-ray.
That’s what I thought at first too. But I checked the pixels. It’s legit.
I am not a Colby fan, but do believe he has some crack or fracture of the jaw. when injuries are serious or catastrophic they blow up immerdiately and i did not see that in the fight. He fought thru it and I give hm props for being tough he did not quit. I also had it 2-2 with Colby winning the first half of round 5.