Colton Smith MMA Record

Yesterday Smith was listed by UFC and on their website as being 6-3 (now 6-4). Yet almost all other sites have his record as now being 3-4 after last night.

Just wondering what/why the discrepancy and is this common? Phone Post 3.0

Pretty common. Been going on with the UFC since I started watching. But then again, fights finders aren't always 100% accurate either. Although, they have gotten much better in the last decade. Phone Post 3.0

The only one I knew was to do with Rashad Evans and a few fighters on that series of TUF cos they had changed the format and some places didn't recognise them as being official bouts or something.

Any other examples of ppl with record discrepancies? Phone Post 3.0

Tuf fights are officially exhibitions since they withhold the results. They are counting the Tuf fights whereas anyone else doesn't. Phone Post 3.0

konsol - Tuf fights are officially exhibitions since they withhold the results. They are counting the Tuf fights whereas anyone else doesn't. Phone Post 3.0
Most other guys from TUF seem to have their records synch up. Maybe they didn't want his shallow record shown?

As I said I know on TUF 2 they made the fights 3 rounds so some sites accept these fights and some don't but with all other series like you say they are classed as exhibitions. Phone Post 3.0

HitchieG - The only one I knew was to do with Rashad Evans and a few fighters on that series of TUF cos they had changed the format and some places didn't recognise them as being official bouts or something.

Any other examples of ppl with record discrepancies? Phone Post 3.0

Yeah, Rashad is the first fighter that comes to my mind when it comes to record discrepancies. UFC: 24-3, Sherdog: 19-3, Wiki: 19-3.

wiki uses fightfinder, so no surprize that those two are the same.

Konsol looks like you're bang on. UFC web page shows TUF fighters who've made semi finals bouts which are three rounds, with an extra bout on their record. Phone Post 3.0

HitchieG - Yesterday Smith was listed by UFC and on their website as being 6-3 (now 6-4). Yet almost all other sites have his record as now being 3-4 after last night.

Just wondering what/why the discrepancy and is this common? Phone Post 3.0
Lol Ug say he's 2-3 Phone Post 3.0

they have to try to make his record look respectable since he's the worst TUF winner ever.

BJJkilla - they have to try to make his record look respectable since he's the worst TUF winner ever.
Yeah defo looks like he will be getting cut or close to getting cut. Phone Post 3.0

HitchieG -
BJJkilla - they have to try to make his record look respectable since he's the worst TUF winner ever.
Yeah defo looks like he will be getting cut or close to getting cut. Phone Post 3.0
He's just so hard to watch Phone Post 3.0

Gspthegoat -
HitchieG -
BJJkilla - they have to try to make his record look respectable since he's the worst TUF winner ever.
Yeah defo looks like he will be getting cut or close to getting cut. Phone Post 3.0
He's just so hard to watch Phone Post 3.0
Yeah he's done.

Does he have a win in the UFC besides Ricci? Phone Post 3.0

The same Colton Smith that owes Eddy Ellis a 3rd round?

MMAnima - 
HitchieG - The only one I knew was to do with Rashad Evans and a few fighters on that series of TUF cos they had changed the format and some places didn't recognise them as being official bouts or something.

Any other examples of ppl with record discrepancies? Phone Post 3.0

Yeah, Rashad is the first fighter that comes to my mind when it comes to record discrepancies. UFC: 24-3, Sherdog: 19-3, Wiki: 19-3.

I don't think the TUF fights thing is the only reason the records are different. The UFC record shows 5 more wins for Rashad, he only fought 3 times on TUF, so that would only make him 22-3. 

Look at Melvin Guillard's UFC record, it shows him as 48-14-3, meanwhile Sherdog has him at 31-13-2. I think when guys signed with the UFC they used to just tell them their record and they believed them, or maybe they had some proof. Or maybe they included their amateur bouts in there. 

Gleison Tibau is another UFC shows 37-10, when Sherdog says 28-10.