Combination Question


Cuddlebug 2 - 
AARISH - lots of good info here - thanks - i am a boxer and dont throw kicks, but i dont see how you throw a rear 10 after a cross, your weight is pushed forward by the cross, is the cross and the 10 like a continuous movement? i always wondered this when i hear randy or forrest talk about this combo

 I'm certainly no expert, but i'll do my best. I'm sure someone can do a much better job than I can at explaining.

I usually dont put everything into the cross so while my weight may be shifted forward, it feels very natural to start the rear leg kick at the same time your hand you just threw the cross with is coming back. Rather than bring it back to your face, just snap it down a little step to the left and bang, the kick has landed in pretty much the same time it would take to just bring your hand back to cover your face and throw the hook.

does that make sense? 

the way i learned to throw the 10 after a right hand, is to throw the right hand without hip extension, you just throw the fist out, and your kick comes over the top of whatever guard he puts up against the 2.
the punch doesn't have any power, its just a distraction, like how you throw a left hook out without much power, just to turn your hips over if you are going to throw the a 1-2-3-10

^^ thanks for those replies, makes a lot of sense - i just joined and wasnt sure if people without blue names even get responded to


4pdboxing - run
