Come On, Swick

Calling out the man that just gave RF the beat down??
Balls is the word, I guess.

I enjoy your fights, although I think the "swicka-"moves are no-class & very cheesy.

Not sure the resume is quite up to par yet... but I'd love to see you try.

I'm sure he cares, dude.

His swickotine is just a little swicker than most others, that's all. Good for him calling him out. Why chance getting back in line and maybe losing and moving further back.

Until someone plants him on his back in the octagon, I'll hold off making him God.

Care or not, I think it's funny. Swick ain't gonna do it. Not Silva, not Franklin. Even Louaseau (sp??) of 2 years ago would've ended it swickly.

I think its funny that Swick has fought one ranked fighter and he's carping about title shots.

I find your people's swickousy swickusting.

Go Swick yourself :)

I hope Swick beats Silva. Hopefully he will feel things out and find somewhere comfortable (if possible). I don't know why fighters get in the mindset of wanting to fight their opponent in their strongest area. If I was a stand-up guy I would try to knock every opponent out, to hell with showing them I have good submissions. Playing into someone elses game gets you losses. Oh, and I personally want an North American champ. U.S. or Canada. I want someone who speaks English to be champion. Although...I still want to see Wand fuck Chuck...

Talent wise Swick is very close to Nate Quarry. Very simular in my opinion. Swick vs. Spider will be very close to Quarry vs Ace.


Talent wise Swick is very close to Nate Quarry. Very simular in my opinion. Swick vs. Spider will be very close to Quarry vs Ace.


Talent wise Swick is very close to Nate Quarry. Very simular in my opinion. Swick vs. Spider will be very close to Quarry vs Ace.

Swick is swickly becoming one of my fav fighters, and he has nowhere to go but up.

But fighting Silva at this point in his career would be a bad move, I don't think Swick is experienced enough to hang with him.

At least Swick has the balls to jump in there with Silva givin a chance. More power to ya Mike, wish you the best.

Leben KO'd Swick. Silva KO'd Leben in 49 seconds. Simple mathematics.

This means jack shit.

Silva will smash Swick.I hope it happens just so Swick can stop talking shit.

I hope Swick subs him, but I sense a Silva KO

But ya never know

HEY listen, I am not knocking what Mike has done so far in his career...VERY fun to watch and technically sound...just not there yet



id like to see a leben rematch first.

and a silva fight? i'm not sure there would be enough room for swick, silva, and swick's huge testicles.

credit to him for throwing his name out there.