Competing a Belt lvl higher

Hi guys,

Whats the protocol on competing up a belt level. Meaning I would like to compete in the blue belt division , but I'm a 3 stripe white.

Is this allowed ? Is it respectful ...etc.


Are you winning every white belt tournament you enter? If so, why havent you been promoted? If not, why not make winning them your primary goal?

I won last years beginner division no gi , masters @ NAGA. I know no gi is different from gi though. I usually hang well with the blues at least on a point basis.

IMO , I'm overdue...but I not under a local teacher and that complicates matters.

Not sure what to do , regarding the gi. Some whites are to easy ...


akiken, I think you should win a white belt competition with the gi first, then consider talking to someone (the instructor) about entering at blue. You're probably more than ready to compete at blue belt, but its not a good idea to make that decision yourself, imo.

I will take your advice , thanks !

Cool! Good luck, man!


I wonder how the Blues in that division would feel about someone outside of their division jumping in and adding a bracket because they personally felt they could "hang".

I am all for determining who is the best in a given division but if we are going to jump up a division on our own, why waste time with belts? Either get a promotion or stay at white is my suggestion.

Also, try entering the normal adult division instead of the masters. It should be a harder division, and the younger guys may give you a harder time and more of a challenge.


I wasn't aware of that possibility of dropping age brackets. That sure opens some interesting doors.


I understand what you're saying and wouldn't even consider it with the exception of my stripes and my belief in my ability. I however do not know the answer.

I think I'll be competing white and also be thinking about the age brackets.

thanks all

Yep I would suggest the age bracket thing as a way of increasing the competition.

I compete in masters, a lot of the guys compete in the open mens division as well as the masters. If you do both that should give you a pretty good challenge. If you clean up in both of those, then hopefully you will get a new belt before long.

For all the bitching that goes on at this site about sandbaggers, I'm suprised more folks are not telling them to just go up to blue level. I'd rather that than someone who is "over due" and can "hang" with most blues to jump into the white area and dominate.. not giving them a chance either.

If he wants to compete at a higher level, let him. If he gets owned, so be it. His choice. But it shouldn't go the other way.. where he competes lower than what he is capable of doing.


Meet an instructor and talk with him about the issue. If he sees your skills and tells you to compete up or belts you on the spot, that is all the answer you need.