Condit vs Koscheck Feb 4th

Keeps going from bad to worse for Condit. Koscheck is beastly right now. Phone Post

koscheck better not get another title shot if he blankets condit for 3 rounds.

Koscheck wrestle fucks him to a boring 3 round win.

What have you guy's been watching?

Hughes was landing on Koscheck with efficiency....

Do you really think he wants to take Condit down?

Condit will beat Joshcheck's ass, I'm looking forward to it.

LOL @ using a KO of Hughes as an example to show he is a great striker now.

Fuck, this is one of those fights I wish was possible to be a 5 round co-main event. Mainly because I want enough of a time buffer for Carlos to work at not getting blanketed to death.

Koscheck's only decent chance to win this fight is to lay and pray Condit like he did Daley. Koscheck's got some striking power but everything else about his striking and sub game is pretty mediocre so there's no way he's going to get into a fight of finishing skills because Condit is considerably better there. Expect Koscheck to take the pointfighter way out like he did early on in his career and try to stall his way to a victory. Kos isn't finishing Condit.

This will be a good test of TDD for Condit. I think he'll do better than a lot of people think and finish Koscheck. If he does, he's going to show GSP has a serious challenge on his hands.

Some good points have been made. I agree that if Koscheck somehow manages to get the win, it'll be from putting Condit on his back for 3 straight rounds.

I also agree that if Condit can't stop at least some of Koscheck's takedowns then he never had any business in the cage with GSP in the first place.

I still think Condit wins this though. Condit finds a way to win fights, even when it looks like he's finished - the guy has serious heart. Even if the worst case scenario does happen and he spends 3 rounds on his back, he's no slouch on the ground and anything can happen.

Koscheck is an elite wrestler his double leg is awesome I like his chances in this fight i dont know why people hate him

Stu Cazzo - What have you guy's been watching?

Hughes was landing on Koscheck with efficiency....

Do you really think he wants to take Condit down?<br type="_moz" />

Koscheck is cocky and strikes when he THINKS he is superior to his opponent. I don't think he will be that dumb with Condit, When he is not like against Daley, Johnson, Joslin he will put Condit on his back.

CRE - Poorly managed fighter is poorly managed.

Could have done this at the last UFC, Malki Kawa you're fired, again.


And Kos has shit talked his way back into the picture. There's no question who I'll be cheering for

Smooth_Operator - Koscheck is an elite wrestler his double leg is awesome I like his chances in this fight i dont know why people hate him

I think you may be missing the point. People don't doubt his skills, they dislike his character because he is rude and disrespectful.

 i wish it was bj vs condit

 funny how the hair shakes when he gets hit in that gif, lol

Great fight but yeah what do if Josh wins?

I think condit will take him out but risky with a title shot looming Phone Post

I'm not ready to jump on the Condit bandwagon just yet. Kos may be cocky, but he is a great wrestler with good power. This fight will either be just like the Kos/daley fight or the Kos/GSP fight